forum Zodiac Signs! A RP, kind of... Come join us!
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Deleted user

"Yeah? Do it then!" Scorpio snapped loudly, tugging hard on Leo's hair. "You stuck up bitch!" They surged closer to Leo, trying to shake off Vigro.

Deleted user

”Ouch! The fuck, Scorpio?!!” Leo tried to get the other sign off of her.

Deleted user

Scorpio pulled Leo closer by their hair, not trying to be careful at all. "Fuck you! That's why! Vigro get the hell off!" Since Scorpio was not male, it didn't do much. Scorpio swang their head, knocking Virgo's head against their own.

Deleted user

"Maybe I'll rip their hair out and it'll be a fair trade!" Scorpio growled, shutting their eyes tight and trying to crack their heads together again.

Deleted user

”Shut up, Sagittarius!” Leo yelled, her head hurting from Scorpio destroying it.

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Scorpio growled and tried to buck off Vigro, using their hips to try and knock the other away. Their grip on Leo became stronger by each second of Vigro's attempts to defend Leo.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Virgo saw what Scorpio was going. Suddenly, she took one hand off of Scorpio's head and wrapped it around the hand holding Leo's hair. She pushed a pressure point, weakening her grip immensely.


Sagittarius rolled her eyes like Virgo did a few minutes ago and said
“Wow you guys really are behaving like children”

Deleted user

Leo saw her chance and pulled her hair out of Scorpios grip. She got up on her feet and stumbled backwards until her back hit the wall.

Deleted user

Scorpio's other hand came round quickly to meet Vigro's where now that their head was free, they could lean down and sink their teeth into Vigro's arm, but their grip did lessen immensely from Leo, but now they were quite attached to Vigro's arm.

Deleted user

Scorpio didn't care… at all. They ducked their neck to protect it and gripped Vigro's arm hard, turning the skin under their fingers red. They shifted their teeth so they somehow dug deeper, grinding them into it until they tasted blood.

Deleted user

Leo screamed. ”Guys, cut it out! Stop, are you trying to kill each other!??! If any of us wants to get out of here alive you gotta stop this!” She wasn’t sure if they could even hear her.

Deleted user

Scorpio grabbed the other arm that was assaulting them and gripped it just as hard, grunting with each thrust but not letting go. They started tugging on the hand they were biting, attempting to rip it out of its socket.

Deleted user

(Well, this is not what I expected when starting this RP haha…)

Leo had had enough. She pulled something shiny out of her pocket and seconds later Scorpio had an army knife against her throath, pressing against the skin. Leo laughed psychotically. ”Move, and you die.”