forum You Can Ignore This if You Want. It’s Just a Rant.
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Emi… I hope you see this…

You are more than a positive force on here and I think you're an amazing, deep, interesting person and that you're very special and unique… But that's enough praise…

If you need to practice mindfulness… I know what you're thinking, but don't knock it til' you try it… Doing so would be incredibly foolish.

Subliminal videos will help too… Fall asleep to one that you think will help ypu each night… Burn those messages into your subconscious…

Or you could do something I personally invented to help @RedTheHoHoHoHopeless. Here are the steps…

  1. Get calm, relax, sit down, shut those pretty eyes, and try squared breathing. 4 second inhale, hold for 4 seconds, 4 second exhale.
  2. Remember the three most positive things you've done (your influence on this site counts as one and is definitely positive) and keep them fresh in your mind…
  3. Take a few minutes to let yourself be enraptured in the positivity of those memories… Of how good they made you feel… Let these memories become you…

That's all I got.

@HighPockets group

Shit I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier.
I'm so sorry for you, Emi. I had something similar happen to me earlier and I get how much it sucks. I'm not the best at words, but know that I love you and believe in you and that I'm always here for you.

Deleted user

Thank you guys. I love all of you, too.

It’s okay, Raven. Thank you for being here.

Deleted user


I went and signed up for a spot for my counselor. I doubt I’ll be talked to today but eh. I went.