forum You Can Ignore This if You Want. It’s Just a Rant.
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Deleted user

Why am I going to my councilor?

Well my day was absolutely fucking atrocious and I can’t handle it any more. I’m going to go tell her of my suspicions of mental illness.

Now, why am I doing/ thinking that?

My grades are hideous. I don’t know what to do and I feel stumped and stupid, not to mention useless and just plain awful. I need help. I’m getting it. I don’t care if she tells my parents.

But I kinda do at the same time. Why? Well, it’s because of my parents that I feel this way. They have put me under the expectation that I am TRYING and unfortunately FAILING to work up to. I’m working my hardest. I really am. I don’t know how to study, I don’t feel smart enough to, and I can’t pay attention in my classes. I feel unmotivated and slumped down in health, mental and physical.

I’ve been feeling this way for a while. And I really don’t want to drop my honors/AP class. But that’s what my parents want. They want to drop me down to all grade-level and watch me crumble as I take too-easy classes for my level (If they drop me down, I’d be taking classes I already took and passed). Not to mention I would probably be worse mental-health wise as well. I just don’t like the idea of them literally telling me I’m not smart enough.

I feel like I’m at a prison. I can’t have friends over and I can’t go out. I can’t stay after school for my clubs (which will help me get into college) unless it is for tutoring.

I don’t know why they think I’m being so “pissy”. I’m just tired and done. I feel emotionless and stupid. I want to fall asleep and never wake up again.


Shit, I’m really sorry Emi
Can I give you a huge digital hug? If there’s ever anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask

Deleted user

Thanks Topaz. I really need a hug rn. I feel like I’m gonna burst out into tears I’m so stressed.

Deleted user

I'm going to kill your parents if I ever find them

Shit that sounds creepy

Deleted user

I'm going to kill your parents if I ever find them

Shit that sounds creepy

It doesn’t

Please do

Deleted user

Have the biggest fucking hug ever
hugs you
Cry if ou need it, sometimes it helps

hugs back

I cried earlier and it just made my eyes puffy and tired

Deleted user

I'm going to kill your parents if I ever find them

Shit that sounds creepy

It doesn’t

Please do

Oh yay, okay then, anyone wanna join me then?

Deleted user

I’m so indescribably sorry
But going for help might make a positive difference! I really hope it does

It’s okay. Do you think it’s some kind of abuse?

I know it’s sudden but it’s been on my mind


I don’t know the full story or your parents personally, so it’s hard to say
But they definitely are not treating you right
At all

Deleted user

Imean I can give you examples

But I’m feeling kind of dead atm so they might be lame


I'm going to kill your parents if I ever find them

Shit that sounds creepy

It doesn’t

Please do

Oh yay, okay then, anyone wanna join me then?

I'll join you on that mission for sure


They might

What type of thing do you wanna know?

I don't know, I'm not a professional so I really can't say
I hope the counsellor helps

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Oh, Emi… I’m so sorry that I didn’t see this until now…

If there’s any way that I can help, just let me know. Even if you just need to rant or something. I’m always here for you, hun.

Deleted user

Thanks Autumn. It’s okay. I’m feeling better now that I’ve had time to cool off. I still feel really tired.

Deleted user

Nah, I’m probably going to go to bed soon, since it is almost 8 here.

Deleted user

I'm going to kill your parents if I ever find them

Shit that sounds creepy

It doesn’t

Please do

Oh yay, okay then, anyone wanna join me then?

I'll join you on that mission for sure

Yayyyy, what should we use?