forum Writing Competition (Closed!)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 9 followers

Deleted user

( Oh i just saw that i was scrolling back through and saw that Ok so how many People are there?)

Deleted user

(Okay, I'm probably not gonna be able to make the submission due to some things going on in my personal life that will prevent me from entering. I'm really sorry, it's a situation beyond my control. I can't explain, it's going to be too difficult to put into words, but if I do make the submission, which will very likely not happen unfortunately, then yay! Oh, happy day and whatnot.)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Sorry, I don't believe that I wrote that in the "write" context.

I meant to say…

If any entrants of this would like to enter my competition as well, they are free to do so as long as @SaltyLasagna is okay with it :)

(Also, our prompts are sorta similar, but I can see a difference, I suppose)

What thread is it? Can you please post a link?


( No @@Winter submitted 2)

(??? wym?? I know I submitted my short infinity piece. Winter posted her cool long ass story, and then I thought I saw someone else with an entry)

Deleted user

( No @@Winter submitted 2)

(??? wym?? I know I submitted my short infinity piece. Winter posted her cool long ass story, and then I thought I saw someone else with an entry)

( She also submitted a prolouge)


Sorry, I don't believe that I wrote that in the "write" context.

I meant to say…

If any entrants of this would like to enter my competition as well, they are free to do so as long as @SaltyLasagna is okay with it :)

(Also, our prompts are sorta similar, but I can see a difference, I suppose)

What thread is it? Can you please post a link?

Yes, I can! Today is the deadline, so you might just wanna copy-paste something instead of writing a whole new thing.

Deleted user

I don’t think you need to make one up.

They… didn’t use an apostrophe and they didn’t… spell… attention right…

Deleted user

( Sorry wasnt supposed to be rude it was supposed to be nice by saying she wasn't blind!)

Deleted user

it sounded pretty rude to me

But okay, anyway, you’re welcome Confuzzled.


Yeah, not gonna lie that sounded really rude, mostly cuz it was in all caps and no sign of actually joking around was included in that statement. You may have meant well but the way your message was written said the complete opposite.