forum Writing Competition (Closed!)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Yeah, the sole purpose wouldn't be shipping, more adventures through time and space with a little shipping on the side if that's okay?

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Yeees but what… fandom are you doing?

If it’s one i despise

I’m not going to look at it any different but I’ll be super confused xD

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Adventures through time and space was a pretty obvious hint, but it's probably gonna be Doctor Who unless that won't work, or I come up with something that would go down better with the audience.

Deleted user

yee i guess

Also Doctor Who would be pretty cool but I haven’t seen much of it.

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Hey, this might be pointless, but I found this website to help people stay inside the word limit. It counts the number of words and characters used so you don't have too. Here it is, hope this helps!


Adventures through time and space was a pretty obvious hint, but it's probably gonna be Doctor Who unless that won't work, or I come up with something that would go down better with the audience.

I don't think I would be able to judge this one because I love doctor who so much so I'd be a little biased, but I see how you could make a great short story with it.

Also, please make sure you explain everything you write. Pretend every single person who will ever read your story has never even heard of doctor who. It makes it a lot easier on people who aren't fans.

Deleted user

Adventures through time and space was a pretty obvious hint, but it's probably gonna be Doctor Who unless that won't work, or I come up with something that would go down better with the audience.

I don't think I would be able to judge this one because I love doctor who so much so I'd be a little biased, but I see how you could make a great short story with it.

Also, please make sure you explain everything you write. Pretend every single person who will ever read your story has never even heard of doctor who. It makes it a lot easier on people who aren't fans.

Yeah, I'll add some notes at the end so I don't have to use up my total word count, since I have a lot of plot points to add and not a lot of room to add them in.


Oh, quick question. Hw do we submit our entries? Through a document, or do we just copy-paste?

Copy and paste or a link to Wattpad/tumblr, please

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

“I never stood a chance did I?”
“That’s the sad part- You did once…”
The warrior looked up with tears in her eyes. “You mean that there was hope once?”
The prince managed a weak smile. “Yes. In all this mess, you were the shining hope that everyone looked to. You are the warrior. In this kingdom, you are the bright light that everyone looks to. Even if all the hope you once had, has faded, and vanished, there are people out there that still hold onto the faintest glimmer of light. These attacks on our kingdom, are weakening us. We need a hero. And you are the one we need in this moment… Will you ride with me, and my band of rag tag fighters? We need the hero you once were. Your mind may not remember, but your hands will…”
The warrior turned her head away, tears streaming down her face. “What I once was? I will never become what I used to be. You know this. You go. Ride without me. I am of no use to you…”
Now, the prince of the fallen kingdom spoke with words of steel. “Blasted, Amirael! You know who you are. You know your family, your heritage. You’re the warrior. You’re just too scared to admit what you once were. You’ve never been the same since the first attack…”
The warrior turned and snarled at the crown prince. “Cassius! Listen to what you’re saying! You were there when we were first attacked… It was there that I failed to protect your father. I caused his death, and yes, you forgave me, but I haven’t forgiven myself…”
The warrior couldn’t stay mad at the prince. She looked down, tears hitting the floor. “I’m sorry my prince. I shouldn’t have done that…”
Amirael slowly sank to her knees, and buried her face in her hands. Cassius looked down on the weeping figure of the one that was the hope of the kingdom. He sank down to his knees, and he reached out and grabbed Amirael’s hands. She looked up with her tear-stained face. “Cassius, what are you doing?”
Cassius looked down. “Ami, you are the hope of thousands, and you are the only one that I can put my hope in… Will you be there for me? If only for me? I can’t rally the hope of broken men by myself. Wear your armor one last time. Just for me. Just to bring hope to thousands…”
Amirael looked deeply into Cassius’ eyes. She saw a fragmented hope, and she knew his eyes reflected his soul. She hoarsely whispered, “Alright Cassius. Just one last time… Bring me my armor, and my sword, and bow… Ready Arrowwind for one final ride… Our last ride before the fall… The fall of the world as we know…”
Cassius nodded, and started making preparations for the ride of the ages…
(Hope you like it… It's kind of like a forbidden love, but they say screw it, and wage war on the other kingdom, that killed the king… The rest of the story is really nice though…)