forum Writing Competition (Closed!)
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Deleted user

(I've stayed up till 3 AM working on this, and I still have a while to go until my story is finished, but I'm getting there!)


(I've stayed up till 3 AM working on this, and I still have a while to go until my story is finished, but I'm getting there!)

You don't have to stay up that late! It's not due until Sunday

Deleted user

Oh, I have a bad habit of procrastinating so I'm trying to get this done as soon as possible.


No it's fine it's good that you put it in sooner, I'm just saying that I won't read any of the stories until it's time to judge (because then I'd be reading yours more than once, since I have to go through it again later)

@Riorlyne pets

@SaltyLasagna , what are your criteria for judges?

EDIT: By that I mean, how would judges be asked to judge - rank stories in order of first to last, vote on what should win, give each story a mark out of 10, something else…?

Deleted user

Can i drop out and become a judge please, i have lots f stuff going on and dont have time to write//


I'll be creating a separate thread for judges to thoroughly discuss which short stories were the best and why we think that, review grammar usage, plot, characterization. It would probably be one big discussion before we begin voting (we'd vote by elimination)


Okay I gotta warn you guys my writing has a trigger warning:
If you are afraid of vastness/nothingness/infinity, don't read it. At least don't read the third paragraph if you can't help yourself.


Alrighty, hold onto your butts cuz here's my entry (I know it's short. I had to stop early to stop myself from going into an existential crisis) (also I take it back, if you're triggered by infinity don't read any of this):

I find peace in the rain. I smile at the small, cold droplets dance in the light breeze and cover the ground in a transparent veil. Millions of burning needles rise through my flesh to welcome these pinpoint beads of hope. The pins collect into tears and slide down my skin to meet the gentle trickle of a stream. Infant eddies carry away the drops of guilt and sorrow as they would a stray leaf, swirling the feelings in a continuous, watery trough that leads to everywhere–and yet nowhere they will stay.

I find intensity in the storm. I lay, desperately watching as the last of the day’s light disappears underneath a curtain of ominous gloom. I feel the distant echo of thunder rumbling throughout my chest. Lightning bursts through the sky as it splits my body into a catacomb of broken webs, and infinitely shatter my fragile heart. My gasp reverberates against the wall of the world as the splintered fragments of my being crash on the surface below.

I find diversity in the winds. My back turns to the unrelenting force as pricks of pain mark where I being chipped away into smaller and smaller particles. My head is filled with howling and my eyes drip as I am tossed about through the air, spiraling ever so closer to nothingness. Across the earth, through the sky, far into the space between everything in this vast universe, I am stretched further and further from my origin. I encompass everything; I am everything. Finally content, rest awaits me.

I find my emotions mirrored by the universe. Always changing, never quite the same twice, yet always existing.

@Riorlyne pets

I'll be creating a separate thread for judges to thoroughly discuss which short stories were the best and why we think that, review grammar usage, plot, characterization. It would probably be one big discussion before we begin voting (we'd vote by elimination)

I’m cool with that. :) If you still need judges, let me know because I’d love to join.


Fun fact: My second paragraph was inspired from when I sat through a rough storm in a hotel room right on the coastline with the ocean. It was really cool and interesting to watch through the glass doors, sitting on the floor wrapped in a comforter and next to a heater.


Oof looks like I can't read this because I'm actually terrified of the concept of infinity I'm actually freaking out rn lol and i haven't even read it


I'll be creating a separate thread for judges to thoroughly discuss which short stories were the best and why we think that, review grammar usage, plot, characterization. It would probably be one big discussion before we begin voting (we'd vote by elimination)

I’m cool with that. :) If you still need judges, let me know because I’d love to join.

We could use all the judges we can get! (It makes voting more fair since there's more people who can point different things out)