forum Where Y'all Live?
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

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Katyanna. HJ

I was born in Indonesia, lived there till i was five. moved to Malawi (south-east-ish africa) lived there for nine years and now I live in Myanmar (what used to be called Burma, next to Thailand, India that area) But i actually come from Belgium!
So sadly none of you are probably in this country, but one hopes :')
Wyoming does exist! I think its the prettiest state, but then again I've only seen pictures of that part of the world lmao


I’ve met a person from Wyoming at Washington DC. I mentioned my friends and I were from Wisconsin and he mentions how Wisconsin and Wyoming get mixed up a lot.


I live in Minnesota so that’s why it’s cold, but it’s not THAT cold to me.

Don’t ya know

Yes, but I live in Northern British Columbia, so shouldn't it be colder?


I'm a Canadian ^^
I'm from southern Manitoba

I feel you! Cold up here (North British Columbia), had a wave of heat last week then reverted to -33. IT'S MARCH, MOTHER EARTH. STOP CRYING FROZEN TEARS. IT STOPPE SNOWING IN JANURARY LAST YEAR WHY NOT THIS YEAR?


Yeah, but Minnesota was actually colder than Antarctica a month ago. It was on the news.

Yeah, but lots of Canada was colder than Antarctica too! And Mars, and the North Pole, and [goes nonstop for five hours]


All hail Ethiopia!
… it's really warm here, actually. Compared to what you guys are saying, I don't think I'm even allowed to use the word "cold" in this context.
But never mind temperatures, because we have
… [drumroll please]
Altitude! [yay]
2355 m, to be exact, at least where I live. (Update: apparently it's the third highest capital in the world. Who knew?)

Deleted user

I live in southern North Carolina. (America) Weather is crazy over here. One moment it's cold and then blistering hot.