Minnesota, US born and raised! Just two days ago we had a wicked snowstorm and today it's sunny. Our weather is so weird…
you think your weather is weird? haha come to my town when you get back to minnesota you'll think snowstorms are the equivelent to cloudy days. (not kidding. It started snowing since last september and hasn't stopped yet.)
Born in California, but have live in Minnesota for most of my life!
Cool! So many people from the U.S!
-12 degrees celcius where I live (considered warm where I am) That would 10.4 degrees Farenheit (thanks to the celcius-farenheit converter thing)
man it was 0 degrees Celsius and I was super cold (That's 32 Fahrenheit). I'm weeeeeaaaaaak
Oh. Well I've been living far up North (And for those people who keep making fun of me, I AM NOT Inuit) for my entire life, so it would make sense that I can survive in -32 celcius with a Roots sweater and sweatpants. Okay, I would be a bit cold. But still. I went to California once, and there was A BEACH and it was like, my first time seeing a NOT FROZEN body of water and I was 5 and I was just like, 'woah, OMG, WHAT IS THAT THING?'
Oh my gosh you Canadians and your sweatpants
New York City baby, greatest place on Planet Earth. Don't @ me
Is that a compliment or is it just that Americans think sweatpants are terrible? No idea. According to those books about style that I assume were written by Americans, sweatpants are… what… unstylish?
Do you guys wear ripped jeans or what?
Jeans are uncomfortable. Or it's that I've worn sweatpants since I discovered I could wear something other than a diaper…
I’m a jeans person, but I prefer sweatpants over leggings any day. I mainly use sweatpants as pajamas or dancing clothes.
Oh. Okay. It's just that I live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere with like, 3000 people and all of the under 18 people (including meh) are people who wear sweatpants, are totally fine with anything negitive weather as long as it's not -60 celcius (that's when we retreat home and start using the heaters). All of us know how to climb trees by the age of 3 and are addicted to sticks and logs and campfires for some reason. (Yeah you're gonna call us babies but you have no idea what it's like)
World's most accurate meme ever.
The island state of Tasmania, Australia. It's… Remote.
@wake-read-eat-sleep No, absolutely not! Sweatpants are fantastic! I just meant to say that in the South, Canada is known for its sweatpants. (I hate jeans too)
IVE BEEN A DIEHARD MINNESOTAN MY WHOLE LIFE! (Ps I don’t care, make Minnesota stereotype jokes. I think they’re funny 😜)
What are Minnesota stereotypes?
The island state of Tasmania, Australia. It's… Remote.
Haha I live in a remote place too (Fort Nelson, BC. Coldest place ever to people who aren't used to -50 celcius.
My town snow is melting and now it's like 25 degrees celcius and I'm overheating. Acoording to some of my friends in the South, apparently 25 degrees isn't that hot.
Its 72 degrees right now. Nice cool weather!
That's… 22 degrees celcius. Colder than it is right now. Lucky
Where I am it’s 40 F and 4.44 C
That's considered warm where I am. The temp has gone down to 16 C now.