forum What's the worst feeling in the world?
Started by @Periwinkle_

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period cramps

As someone who was woken up at 2 AM last night due to those, I can safely say I agree

I had to stay home from school one time because they hurt so much I could barely move from the fetal position I was in.
So yeah, definitely know the feeling.


Working extremely hard on something you were proud of, and when you show it to someone you genuinely care about, you get a disinterested "That's nice." And then you just say "Oh," and numbly walk back to your room and close the door.


period cramps

As someone who was woken up at 2 AM last night due to those, I can safely say I agree

I had to stay home from school one time because they hurt so much I could barely move from the fetal position I was in.
So yeah, definitely know the feeling.

I'm so sorry my dears. That sucks.


Working extremely hard on something you were proud of, and when you show it to someone you genuinely care about, you get a disinterested "That's nice." And then you just say "Oh," and numbly walk back to your room and close the door.

Oof. Definitely that too… it just feels so destroying and emptying


Working extremely hard on something you were proud of, and when you show it to someone you genuinely care about, you get a disinterested "That's nice." And then you just say "Oh," and numbly walk back to your room and close the door.

Oof. Definitely that too… it just feels so destroying and emptying

I get that all the time and it is just the worst

Deleted user

When you have had everything taken away from you but the bare necessities when you can barely survive off of those bare materials when you aren't allowed to die.


When you have had everything taken away from you but the bare necessities when you can barely survive off of those bare materials when you aren't allowed to die.

Yup. That's it.


When you've lost the ones you loved the most and your heart starts to close, and you can feel it decaying inside you, as the blood pumping through you is valued less than simple street grime. And you don't want to live any longer, but you have to endure this eternal Hell for the others in your life.

Deleted user

Need a bit of help moving my story forward, but I also want to know what you guys think.

In my personal opinion.
Numbness and melancholy.