forum What's the worst feeling in the world?
Started by @Periwinkle_

people_alt 42 followers


(I'll post a serious answer soon)

The feeling of being betrayed by something you love… I'm currently stuck in that betrayal, I was trying to eat fresh pineapple but the tingly feeling makes my mouth feel weird, but I love pineapple so much, how could it do this to me…


When you're supposed to be okay with something, and everyone expects you to be, so you can't tell everyone that you're not okay with it. Also nobility vs nobility: actually not knowing which decision is the right one (not just fighting between what you should do and what you want to do)

@Becfromthedead group

When one of your biggest insecurities is brought to light by someone else, either on purpose or on accident. Depending on what it is, you might freeze up, be unable to move, or get horribly angry, or just break down crying right there. If you've got a better handle on your emotions, you might be able to contain it until later, but it hurts. Stings. Makes you feel, well, insecure, even if you are a confident person.

@Becfromthedead group

That feeling after the initial outburst of crying where you're just sitting there thinking how stupid you look.

Or alternatively, crying for 2 hours straight (probably in a private place), not caring how stupid you look, and having this deep, aching emptiness afterwards and being unable to feel any sort of emotions.

Deleted user

The numb feeling you get after you've been hurt too many times


When you know that you've been fighting a losing batlle since the start for people and for a hope that should have been there, but then everyone starts to finally understand that there's no way that they are getting out alive, or without a great sacrifice.

Ditto there, Winty

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

When you know that you've been fighting a losing batlle since the start for people and for a hope that should have been there, but then everyone starts to finally understand that there's no way that they are getting out alive, or without a great sacrifice.

Ditto there, Winty


Deleted user

When you realize that your Hope has died and will take your self-worth with it.

Yup. Disgust with society


When you're supposed to be okay with something, and everyone expects you to be, so you can't tell everyone that you're not okay with it.



  • Also that empty hopeless feeling you get when you look around and realize that everyone around you is smarter and more talented and overall better than you and knowing that not only will you never amount to anything, but you'll never be happy either.
  • Needing someone to turn to in a time of need and having no one.
  • Having to be happy and social and a functioning member of society when all you want to do is sleep for 10000 years.

Deleted user

Wanting to die but knowing you can't because so many people still need you and will miss you.

A feeling I know all too well