forum What does a healing potion taste like?
Started by @Mindful_Bison

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I played a lot of Monster Hunter, so potions are Herbs and Blue Mushrooms. I kinda imagine them like a watery paste that's slightly bitter, but not as bitter as a Bitterbug.

Mega Potions are just potions with Honey, so I imagine the potion is much sweeter.

Max Potions are made with Dragon Toadstools and Mega Nutrients, which start out as a Godbug and a Blue Mushroom, which is then mixed with Honey for Mega Nutrients. Then, it'll taste like a spicy/sweet-ish paste in a little bag.

Ancient Potions are made from an Immunizer and a Kelbi Horn. The Immunizer starts out as a Bitterbug and Honey, which makes a Catalyst. The Catalyst is mixed with a Dragon Toadstool, and the whole thing just tastes nasty thanks to the powdered Kelbi Horn.

Now that I think about it, most of the medicine in this game is like actual medicine. It's not supposed to taste good, it's supposed to heal you!

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I played a lot of Monster Hunter, so potions are Herbs and Blue Mushrooms. I kinda imagine them like a watery paste that's slightly bitter, but not as bitter as a Bitterbug.

Mega Potions are just potions with Honey, so I imagine the potion is much sweeter.

Max Potions are made with Dragon Toadstools and Mega Nutrients, which start out as a Godbug and a Blue Mushroom, which is then mixed with Honey for Mega Nutrients. Then, it'll taste like a spicy/sweet-ish paste in a little bag.

Ancient Potions are made from an Immunizer and a Kelbi Horn. The Immunizer starts out as a Bitterbug and Honey, which makes a Catalyst. The Catalyst is mixed with a Dragon Toadstool, and the whole thing just tastes nasty thanks to the powdered Kelbi Horn.

Now that I think about it, most of the medicine in this game is like actual medicine. It's not supposed to taste good, it's supposed to heal you!

Where I’m from (Mario RPG’s.) you eat a mushroom and gain health so I guess healing potions might just taste like mushrooms…


I played a lot of Monster Hunter, so potions are Herbs and Blue Mushrooms. I kinda imagine them like a watery paste that's slightly bitter, but not as bitter as a Bitterbug.

Mega Potions are just potions with Honey, so I imagine the potion is much sweeter.

Max Potions are made with Dragon Toadstools and Mega Nutrients, which start out as a Godbug and a Blue Mushroom, which is then mixed with Honey for Mega Nutrients. Then, it'll taste like a spicy/sweet-ish paste in a little bag.

Ancient Potions are made from an Immunizer and a Kelbi Horn. The Immunizer starts out as a Bitterbug and Honey, which makes a Catalyst. The Catalyst is mixed with a Dragon Toadstool, and the whole thing just tastes nasty thanks to the powdered Kelbi Horn.

Now that I think about it, most of the medicine in this game is like actual medicine. It's not supposed to taste good, it's supposed to heal you!

a;dhglksjdfhgkljh I miss playing monster hunter

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I imagine them being cold, so cold that you can feel it travel down to your stomach.

… Is that weird?

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I imagine them being cold, so cold that you can feel it travel down to your stomach.

… Is that weird?

That sounds very realistic…


I imagine them being cold, so cold that you can feel it travel down to your stomach.

… Is that weird?

oh gosh I've felt that before when I had a tube in my nose going to my stomach and they put cold water in it lol, and I've also felt cold in my veins before it's so weeeiiird

Deleted user

Yeah! That's what I'm saying! I think healing potion would taste like that!


I imagine it wouldn't be so much of a taste, but more of a ~feeling~.
Say you got stabbed or whatever kids do these days.
You take a drink of said potion, and it's cold at first. When you first swallow it, you can feel that cold feeling travel down your throat. As it reaches your stomach, it blossoms into an unbelievable warmth, the area around the wound growing a soothing numb feeling from the warmth. The warmth sends electric shocks through your body, from a release of pressure in your skull to a tingling feeling at the ends of your fingers. It's how you'd imagine jump-starting a car would feel, a gradual but somehow abrupt feeling of strength jolting the nerves in your body awake and sending them to the affected area to speed up the healing process.
It all happens within a few seconds, I'd say, it's a lot of different feelings within a short period of time (depending on the skill behind the alchemist who created said potion)

Have I mentioned that I think about these things a lot because I do.


Technically, if you ingested a potion that would heal you extremely quickly, you would poop yourself. The body needs nutrients and whatnot to heal, so not only would it have to be gigantic, but it would also taste disgusting. Then, as your body heals, it removes all of the waste and infection and dead cells into your digestive tract. Then, you would poop yourself, and that's just adding insult to injury.


I imagine it looking like a cloudy/clear white colour thats been infused with all sorts of leafy plants and so it would taste something like cucumber water but with more leafy flavors added…if that makes any sense


Love potions are great until they work too well and everyone starts kissing you.

That, or they turn into horrible monsters and you have to hop over to another dimension to escape them.


A light pink liquid thats syrupy and sweet, but thick and you can feel it globbing down your throat.

No, but honestly, I imagine it tasting like amoxicillin, that horrible pink medicine. I get shivers thinking about it (or maybe it's because I'm allergic to it).


I wish I had as positive an outlook on liquid medicines and potions as you. I can't even take Robitussin without making a face.