forum very late and prob no one cares or will see but SEASON 7 of vOltRoN lEgEnDaRy dEfEnDerS
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

hooray!! I dont know anyone irl who likes it so ye
sEasOn sEvEn was SO GOod but it was vErY (emo)tional

Deleted user

IKR no one seems to like voltron that i know ! SEASON SEVEN WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! it was also like very high quality with the animation and shiz

Deleted user

I wish netflix would let me screeenshot bc some of the shots from s7 were so pretty!


fun fact
my dad worked at netflix for a few years
he was on the team that makes it so you can't pirate content (eg screenshots/screenrecording)
he's part of the reason you can't do that

Deleted user

Yeah!! I noticed a big difference in all the fight scenes and how they got better
and I think you can screenshot (i'm using a laptop) but idk i'd google it.

Deleted user

I watch on my iphone and whenever i screenshot it just comes up blank lol. oh well

Deleted user

Really? I've screenshotted scenes from netflix (my dad was an extra in a movie)

Deleted user

whats your favorite ship?
i like klance but im ok with any ship tbh

Deleted user

yeah i like klance but in the beginning I think sheith was more believeable :P

Deleted user

true true. do you like allurance?I like it ok but its so weird that it just stopped for like, 3 seasons and then came back