forum very late and prob no one cares or will see but SEASON 7 of vOltRoN lEgEnDaRy dEfEnDerS
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yeah i like klance but in the beginning I think sheith was more believeable :P

………..sheith is only acceptable as a brotherly ship
I will not waver on this.
(also won't really get into a ship war bc that's dumb and this forsaken fandom has enough of those and they're terrible)


true true. do you like allurance?I like it ok but its so weird that it just stopped for like, 3 seasons and then came back


Deleted user

yeah i love the broganes. and yeah ship wars are dumb af. Im ok with whatever ship!


I feel like I don't ship things v strongly tbh
I used to when I was younger
but now I don't
my priorities have changed a lot

Deleted user

I love my ships ngl, but theres also something nice about watching the show just for the plot yanno

Deleted user

yeah same
but i could barely take them seriously in the fight scenes cuz i kept imagining the voice actors just screaming into a mic with the producers and directors just try not to die of laughter.

Deleted user

OMG same. its a lot harder to take all the serious scenes seriously now bc i know what all the VAs look like

Deleted user

i started laugh-crying when Keith was fighting Shiro's clone and was like SHIRO PLS UR MOI BROTHR
because it was so emotional at the time but i just….

Deleted user

(wait has everyone here seen all of s7? dont want to spoil anything)

Deleted user

yes i think so
yes it was very sad cuz honestly, I thought shiro was gonna die and i just thought about a funeral and hcwnjmkidjuvhgvdchwjkeuhygdchjweb vfgcdhwujdn (i am very sorry)

Deleted user

I though keith was going to die and the last thing he was going to see was shiro (someone he considered his brother) tryng to kill him. so. that was fun. _(ツ)_/¯

Deleted user

although i just had some cold pasta so who am I to judge

Deleted user

i know this is a strange question but do you know when the next season is coming?