forum Underrated Qualities That Make Individuals Extra Endearing
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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Society has created these mental images of what it means to be considered "attractive." Through the use of movies, TV shows, comic books, models, celebrities, and more, the ideals of what makes a man or woman handsome or beautiful has been created for us. Whether we realize it or not, these themes have been constantly presented to us all of our lives. Even in cartoons and commercials, the world around is incessantly telling us what to think is beautiful and attractive in a person, both in appearance and behavior.

Even though you'll occasionally see the standards broken, it's honestly pretty rare. Ninety-five percent of any movie you watch, any book you read, any entertainment you consume, will have what is considered a traditionally attractive protagonist with very few quirks. And if, for some reason, they aren't, you better bet that their love interest will be. Again, there are exceptions, but how often?

All of that to say this: I've decided to create a wholesome thread with the purpose of breaking apart these stereotypes. I'm going to list a bunch of random things that I love about people. These may be things about their appearance, little quirky personality things, or something else entirely. I'm doing this because today I was thinking about some of the things I honestly adore about individuals, and it occurred to me that a lot of people don't realize that other people may find specific quirks about them interesting. Because, the truth is, what some people consider flaws aren't flaws at all. Not even close. They're elements of that individual that make them unique and awesome, and I just want people to know that.

So here's what we're gonna do: I'm going to start with a list of a few things I think are incredibly endearing in people. The next person to post can comment on what I've said, make a list of qualities they think are endearing, or even repeat what I've already mentioned just to show they I'm not the only one who feels that way. We can just keep adding things until this whole thread is nothing but cute random things about humanity and individuals.

The rules are pretty basic. Please don't use language; let's keep this a PG-ish thread, because it's meant to be wholesome. If you don't like a specific quality or thing, or even dislike it, that's your business, and you have the right to not like it— but you don't need to state that opinion here. This is not a place to insult people or start drama, so just don't. Please don't say that you like something if you really don't, because then it doesn't mean anything and you're just being patronizing. You can repeat things other people have said if you really like those qualities. Although I'm technically not gonna tell you that you can't post basic stuff that society generally considers attractive (i.e., "broad-shoulders are hot on a dude," or "I rly like curvy girls with blonde hair"), I'm asking you to please… don't. Not that there's anything wrong with guys having broad shoulders or girls having blonde hair and curvy figures, it's just— everyone kind of knows that a lot of society views those things positively, and I want this to focus more on the beautiful things that aren't generally acknowledged. Also, a very important rule: don't be creepy or vulgar. Don't make any inappropriate comments whatsoever. PG, remember? This is a wholesome thread, not a place for you to make a list of your disturbing kinks. We're trying to help people feel good about themselves, not freak 'em out.

Finally— I really recommend reading through the comments when there are more. You might find some things about yourself listed there, and I hope it makes you see how endearing you really are!! <3


Here are some under-rated endearing qualities.

  • Tooth gaps— Listen, I don't have a tooth gap, but every time I see someone with a gap in their teeth, it's literally one of the most endearing qualities ever in my mind. I don't frickin' know why, but it's precious, and I love it. This is not a flaw. It's attractive.

  • Chubby people— I used to be chubby, and it bothered me. I've lost a lot of weight since then, so I'm not that chubby anymore— but I know it bothers a lot of people. I just wanna say, though— chubby people are honestly beautiful?? I don't know why it's become such a thing in society like, you've gotta be slim to be attractive. That's not true. There are a lot of so-called "overweight" people that are flat-out adorable, and they're honestly super huggable. Nobody should ever think they have to lose weight because they feel bad about themselves; they should only do it if it's what they really want. It is not a flaw. It's attractive.

  • Tol skinny people— You'd be surprised at how many tall skinny people (especially guys, from my experience, but maybe girls too) there are who feel really bad about themselves. As someone who is unfortunately not tall, I don't relate to this— but I've heard them first hand talk about how inadequate they feel. This makes me depressed, because lanky people are super endearing. Both genders. Like, I'm not even kidding. Tol skinny people are awesome. This is not a flaw. It's attractive.

  • People who smile a lot— It's scientifically proven that people who smile more are considered more attractive. Technically, yes, I know this is probably considered attractive to most people— but I wanted to point it out because everyone deserves to know this. Smile, kid, because it's beautiful to see you happy.

I could go on all night, but it's almost 3:00 AM and I need to crash. I'll talk about more great endearing qualities next time. Ciao.


A weird laugh. I love my best friend’s laugh so much.

People with unique laughs are just

Also people who talk super fast when they get excited about something.

@tomat brightness_7

  • Tol skinny people

Yes! Tall and skinny people are amazing! I think this is even my favourite body type.
Here's some of mine:

  • stretch marks - They're adorable and pleasant to touch. I have stretch marks and I see nothing ugly or disgusting in them.
  • scars - Big, small, sunken or raised. From operations, accidents or just stupidity - all deserve respect and love. Every scar has a story, and I'm willing to get to know each one.
  • high-bridged noses - ABSOLUTELY. CUTE. I don't know why straight noses are more appreciated when the high-bridged ones are as beautiful as them.

These ones are first that popped into my mind. I may write some more later.
People, remember, you are as beautiful as your soul is! 💜


  • Tol skinny people

Yes! Tall and skinny people are amazing! I think this is even my favourite body type.
Here's some of mine:

  • stretch marks - They're adorable and pleasant to touch. I have stretch marks and I see nothing ugly or disgusting in them.
  • scars - Big, small, sunken or raised. From operations, accidents or just stupidity - all deserve respect and love. Every scar has a story, and I'm willing to get to know each one.
  • high-bridged noses - ABSOLUTELY. CUTE. I don't know why straight noses are more appreciated when the high-bridged ones are as beautiful as them.

These ones are first that popped into my mind. I may write some more later.
People, remember, you are as beautiful as your soul is! 💜

I agree with all of these.


  • Chubby
  • Musculature (specifically in women)
  • Short and stout
  • Tall and gangly
  • People with Vitiligo
  • Women with short hair
  • Men with long hair
  • Birthmarks
  • Dimples
  • Freckles
  • Rosy cheeks
  • Crooked teeth
  • Tooth gap
  • People who talk with a stutter
  • Sideways smile

tldr everyone is beautiful and I will physically fight anyone who says differently


  • Chubby
  • Musculature (specifically in women)
  • Short and stout
  • Tall and gangly
  • People with Vitiligo
  • Women with short hair
  • Men with long hair
  • Birthmarks
  • Dimples
  • Freckles
  • Rosy cheeks
  • Crooked teeth
  • Tooth gap
  • People who talk with a stutter
  • Sideways smile

tldr everyone is beautiful and I will physically fight anyone who says differently

Stutters are so cute

Deleted user

Males with "a woman's body" (Aka, they have a slight frame)
Females with "a man's body" (Aka, heavyset frame and/or broad shoulders)


Joining this bc wholesomeness.
Also people with glossy hair. My sister has really glossy hair and it's gorgeous.
And also people who draw and always have marker/paint/etc stains on their hands or whatever
Or people who wear jingly earrings because I love those

Deleted user

Appreciation for “flawed” skin (acne, eczema, large pores, etc.) and yellow teeth. Y’all look fine and people need to stop being all judgy about this stuff. You’re gorgeous and deserve the best. Also appreciating fat people over here, there’s nothing wrong with being fat and your body is not an indicator of your value.

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Hip dips! I have them, and I think they're cute on other people, but for some reason I hate them on myself.

logic, I know