forum Uh, Hi. I'll Make You a Background/Lockscreen, Pfp, Moodboard... Etc.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

@jackelope12 YAY!!!!! I'M SO GLAD!!!!!!

How can I repay you? I make music

You don't have to do anything, I enjoy making this stuff!

Deleted user

Heyy Mir, if it isn't too much trouble, could you make like…a moodboard for a character I'm currently brainstorming? He doesn't have a Notebook page as of yet, so all I can really give is a description and his general vibe? I'm kinda doing what Caustic did and just…hoping the moodboard will inspire me lmao

Yep! What's he like?

Deleted user

could you make a profile? idk something sorry if your busy with something else

how do I do a strikethrough or superscript…

Profile picture?

I dunno, something akin to my name and the wraithic spirit…

that sounds so weird.

I got you!

Deleted user

current order:

  1. CoffeeBean background
  2. SunGod pfp
  3. IAMUS pfp
  4. Ash moodboard
  5. Icefire moodboard


Heyy Mir, if it isn't too much trouble, could you make like…a moodboard for a character I'm currently brainstorming? He doesn't have a Notebook page as of yet, so all I can really give is a description and his general vibe? I'm kinda doing what Caustic did and just…hoping the moodboard will inspire me lmao

Yep! What's he like?

Ah thanks!! So it's science fiction, with like…spaceships and other planets. He's a bastard prince of one of the alien species, half human, half Ke'dray. He looks mostly human, but his hair is naturally a bright blue color, and like most Ke'dray, has strange golden markings on his arms (naturally occurring). He's an ace pilot, and is in fact in training at one of the human military academies. The academy is on a space station, and is called "Notros Station", usually. The location is kept a secret for the safety of the cadets. Most of the Ke'dray resent him because of his bastard, half-human status. His name is Lexian "Lex" Throdan.

Deleted user

Just so y'all know, I'm taking a break today, so nothing new will come out today. <3

@Anemone eco

Just so y'all know, I'm taking a break today, so nothing new will come out today. <3

All good, Mir. You deserve a break. <3


Just so y'all know, I'm taking a break today, so nothing new will come out today. <3

No problem! You've been doing amazing, you deserve a break!

Deleted user

Hey loves, if we could move this conversation to another chat that'd be great <3

Deleted user

Are we vibing?
The quality is a bit crappy here, but because a phone screen is smaller, it'd look better on there.


Ooh, yes, we're definitely on the right track! I really like the first one, could I see what it looks like with Oakley over the top?