forum today's aesthetic:
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

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@Anemone eco

Today's aesthetic: Sitting in bed with comfortable pajamas while drinking tea and staring out of my bedroom window at the small amount of snowfall that I got.

Edit: Then proceeding to start birdwatching with some binoculars I got last year.

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(I'm going to jump on the band wagon because I'm bored)

Today's aesthetic: Procrastinating on studying by going on notebook and just being dumb


Today's aesthetic: High fantasy music and imagining yourself galloping along on some life and death mission across a fantastical country with your loyal horse by your side and your banner raised high.


Today's aesthetic: beautiful rays of happy sunshine pouring through the darkness you've been stuck in except it's not sunshine or darkness and someone just decided to wake you up this morning with the good ol flashlight-to-the-retinas trick

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Today's aesthetic: wearing almost all black and listening to grandson while roleplaying

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Today's Aesthetic : Passed out this morning and cannot speak thanks to a burning throat.

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Today's Aesthetic : Passed out this morning and cannot speak thanks to a burning throat.

aw are you ok?

I don't think so tbh. It's probably sickness to be honest, I get sick once a year and it's been about a year now. Thank you for asking though. ^^ Hru?

@Anemone eco

Today's Aesthetic : Passed out this morning and cannot speak thanks to a burning throat.

I went through almost the exact same thing. Except I passed out last night.

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Today's Aesthetic : Passed out this morning and cannot speak thanks to a burning throat.

I went through almost the exact same thing. Except I passed out last night.

I guess I'll ask you what awgzvm asked me. "You okay?"