forum today's aesthetic:
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

people_alt 71 followers


today's aesthetic: music that doesn't quite follow a recognizable pattern but still sounds good and makes you want to turn all your lights dim and just sit there and think


Today's aesthetic: Writing three essays at once before the long weekend. I'm starting to regret taking three English classes this semester.

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Today's Aesthetic : Amber and black soul getting their hopes up for tomorrow, even though it's probably hopeless.


Today's Aesthetic: Anticipating something great at first but as the day goes on things get steadily worse to the point that you're dreading tomorrow.

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Today's aesthetic : 40 pounds of makeup and 40 pounds of chocolate, I need help lol

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today's aesthetic: no school, no valentine, so much to do and not wanting to do any of it

relating to that almost completely rn-

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Today's Aesthetic as a Haiku :

Lip is bleeding bad.
Iron flavoring sucks, lots.
At least there is cake.


Today's Aesthetic as a Kaihu:
a keyboard but all
the keys are circular and
slightly too far apart

and yes, everything that's wrong with that is all intentional