forum today's aesthetic:
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

people_alt 71 followers

Screaming cinnamon roll

The hell kinda candy are you getting where pickle-flavored is an option?!

there's this place called rocket fizz, and it sells lots of different candies you can't get in normal stores. Most of it is like gorme or candy from other countries but they also have really weird stuff that just sells because it's weird.


Today's aesthetic: A black hoodie that's too big and the sleeves fall down over your hands, the hood hides you from the world, and the pockets are built so things won't go flying out of them at the speed of sound if to tilt even slightly to the left, unlike every other hoodie on the dang-freakin market.


Today's aesthetic: Finding out that syphilis only existed in the Americas in llamas until Christopher Columbus came along. Huh.


(I'm not sure what this is implying, but my mind is jumping to some conclusions that I'm not a fan of)

(Trust me, EVERYBODY'S thinking about those conclusions.)


(so did it exist outside of the Americas in people?)

(oh yeah, everybody called it a different name that pinned it on someone else. Italian Disease, French Disease, Polish Disease, the Great Pox, etc.)

@Pickles group

(so did it exist outside of the Americas in people?)

(oh yeah, everybody called it a different name that pinned it on someone else. Italian Disease, French Disease, Polish Disease, the Great Pox, etc.)

(Oh. So my conclusions were incorrect. this makes more sense)

Deleted user

Today's Aesthetic : Really hot R&B music and falling into another love spiral.


Yesterday's aesthetic: slamming a door and then kicking it because slamming didn't relieve your anger, and then slamming another door and kicking it twice before crying on your bed for half an hour because you're a failure and have nothing going for you and are is such a deep rut you can't think of anything to be passionate about, an going to bed overly angry and emotional.

Today's aesthetic: Waking up perfectly happily, sleeping in three hours, being super forgiving of yourself, and spending good quality time with two of your favorite people, before getting home and being ridiculously productive.

AKA: wtf did I just go through