forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 73 followers


He asks if two people are couples. if they do anything like hugging or kissing, he will gag or say aww and embarrass them. He said it works all the time.

That's funny!


I'm with three friends doing a 24-hour challenge!

Which is…? Like, I know it's a challenge that lasts 24 hours, but what are you doing for 24 hours???


I don’t remember if I told you what play were doing but if I didn’t its Peter Pan. One of my parts is a pirate, and we were doing the scene where we capture the lost boys. I have to pick up one of them with one arm and carry her offstage on my shoulder. Two of my friends who pirates and I want to ask Captain Hook if we can upgrade to a creepy white van for our kidnappings.

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I don’t remember if I told you what play were doing but if I didn’t its Peter Pan. One of my parts is a pirate, and we were doing the scene where we capture the lost boys. I have to pick up one of them with one arm and carry her offstage on my shoulder. Two of my friends who pirates and I want to ask Captain Hook if we can upgrade to a creepy white van for our kidnappings.

then you can be Sleeping With Sirens


I don’t remember if I told you what play were doing but if I didn’t its Peter Pan. One of my parts is a pirate, and we were doing the scene where we capture the lost boys. I have to pick up one of them with one arm and carry her offstage on my shoulder. Two of my friends who pirates and I want to ask Captain Hook if we can upgrade to a creepy white van for our kidnappings.

My family has one you can borrow! Just ignore the moldy waffles and pizza crusts because I am part of a 9-person family and don't tell my little siblings I said this but they're an absolute pain in the rear

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I know the annoyance of little siblings…. I was just woken up to watch my 5 sisters while my mom takes the car to the garage….. And I have cramps, a really bad headache, and a nasty cough that makes the other two worse….

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Haha the younger siblings
I tried to get my sister to like Imagine Dragons she said it was too loud :(


Excuse me? LOUD?? They are the most chill band I know


Haha the younger siblings
I tried to get my sister to like Imagine Dragons she said it was too loud :(

Hmmm… What types of music do you usually listen to? I got Emma (my baby sister) to like Imagine Dragons and K-Pop simply by playing it out loud in the car, the basement, or my room, and eventually after hearing the songs enough she just started singing along and would ask mom to play them for her.