forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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My hair is far from normal… its filled with so many natural tints from blonde, brown, to red, it changes colors depending on the light, humidity, and temperature. Plus its just… a curly fuzz ball of poof.

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My hair is dumb, it’s very curly, thin and hates the wind. When the wind is blowing, it can be the lightest of winds, and my hair is just everywhere, it flies around me.

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Emi tells me how it’s worse to have thick hair, I don’t care what it has to offer, I just want my hair to stop attacking my face!

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Yeah but at least it isn’t like Goku going supersaying and his hair flying in the air.

@Knight-Shives group

Quote from my Science teacher
"We are going to kind them to death"

Context please?

Our school has this thing where we go to a class with a teacher and do activities. Well today's was we had to make a poster about kindness. Last time we had to make a tower that represents kindness (we shot ours with nerf bullets and said killing with kindness). Well as we were talking, we had ideas of putting teacher pictures on the poster and kinding them to death just to win. We wanted our poster to be the kindest ducking poster seen.


Quote from my Science teacher
"We are going to kind them to death"

Context please?

Our school has this thing where we go to a class with a teacher and do activities. Well today's was we had to make a poster about kindness. Last time we had to make a tower that represents kindness (we shot ours with nerf bullets and said killing with kindness). Well as we were talking, we had ideas of putting teacher pictures on the poster and kinding them to death just to win. We wanted our poster to be the kindest ducking poster seen.

That's awesome!