forum The worst Pickup lines
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 57 followers

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Did you sit in sugar?
Because that's one sweet ass!
(Someone actually said this to me)

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I also look like a guy, because that's what I was going for. It didn't stop him, though

@Becfromthedead group

Did you just fart? Because you blew me away! (This became a really big inside joke between me and my friends, because we saw it once, everyone lost it, and now we just reference "the fart pickup line." Keep in mind that we are legally regarded as adults.)

@HighPockets group

@Turzelle and I do these all the time. This is a fave of ours:

Do you need a protein shake?
No, comrade.
Because you're the only strength I need, comrade.
fist bump

@HighPockets group


plays the mob song from beauty and the beast

Kill the beasts! (That-are-males-who-don't-show-proper-respect-to-other-humans.)

(Oh my gosh it fit the rhyme scheme)

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I want to use my pick-axe

You can use whatever you want, you just need something dangerous

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I want to use my pick-axe

You can use whatever you want, you just need something dangerous

Alright. Imma bring my machete too

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I want to use my pick-axe

You can use whatever you want, you just need something dangerous

Alright. Imma bring my machete too

You have a machete?

I have a lot of knives