forum The Weirdest (Or Pranks That You've Done) Things You've Done
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

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@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

My dad likes to tease me about my song choices when I'm driving and then we have dance battles. He also likes to make fun of my music by singing loudly and off-key while I turn up the music to tune him out, those always end in the music turned up to like 45 and my dad shouting his own lyrics over the music XD sometimes he won't even let me chose the music in my own car when I'm driving because he doesn't like my music XD

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Yeah, most plans for almost anyone with dad end with everyone being scared to tell mom and the plans falling through XD

(My dad and I are pranksters. Oh geez. We did the whipped cream in hand to my eight-year-old brother when he was six, but used ketchup instead.

oh no! XD My dad played percussion in high school/college and I play trumpet, so he pulled out his loudest drum and I pulled out my trumpet and we played them as loud as we could in my 10-year-old sister's ear while she was sleeping. We then proceeded to do the same thing to my mom but she woke up with all our laughing before we could even start. XD


Ooh, this is a change of subject, and really a stupid thing or a prank, but my friend JC and I decided to try and make my sister laugh. She was sitting beside him, who was sitting beside me in the car. And he would tell me theses stupid puns and jokes that were hilarious. We both nearly died of laughter, and my sister, who is younger than me, and loves jokes, just sat there stoically. So then we tried quoting lines from Disney movies. The funniest ones we could remember. Nothing. It was soooooooooooooooooo funny.


He loved…………………jumping backwards on my three younger siblings instead of falling, so they all ended up laying on the bed, laughing. And I filmed it. And participated sometimes. Then one time he fell forwards…………………….. I had to jump up from the floor and catch him myself………………………..he's about a year older than me……………………………….and way heavier…………………………………………………but I still caught him…..but just barely………………..XD JC is awesome.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

That's great! JC sounds like a lot of fun :D There was this one time that my friend Isaac convinced me to bring my two goldfish into school so I carried them around all day in a coffee cup with a clear lid and just kept the lid open partially all day so the fish wouldn't die. We'd walk up to random people and ask them if they could keep a secret or if they wanted to see something cool then we'd show them the fish. We almost got caught a couple times when people would gather around me to see the fish, but never actually did. That was a great day XD


(Yes it is. Tanks! We miss you and were about to move on w/out you bc you didn't come back. So come back!!!)

@HighPockets group

When I was at Globals in Tennessee, my friends and I went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, one of the ones that has free salsa. While we were waiting for our food to come, the guys at our table mixed all of the seasonings into the And dared each other to eat it. It was the most awkward and gross thing to watch! And then my girl friends and I went to he water park we were staying at and sang Hamilton songs as loud as possible while waiting in line for rides.


At this large water park a few years ago me and my friends had made a a whole world named "Loki" and everything there was named after gods and we were just screaming "LOKI" down this really scary ride and this guy actually said
"Do they think Loki is hot?"
Omg omg

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Here's a prank pulled on my sister and me:
Last night I was babysitting five kids w/my sister, and we were all talking about pranking each other. Skip to 5 am this morning—my sis and I spent the night—my sister noticed one of the boys walk into our room and do something. Not thinking anything of it, she goes back to sleep.

7 AM: We wake up, my sis goes to the door, grabs the handle, and exclaims: "What the heck?!?"
Sticky, light-blue goop all over the door handle… It was toothpaste.
It was also on the railing of the stairs leading down to the basement—where the guest room is—and on the inside door handle of said stairs.


A few days ago, since I have no April fools day pranks to report, my family had to eat outside.(long story) So everyone else had already left, and as per usual, my dad and i were still at the table talking. Then my dad saw the moon and he said, "Tasha look at the wolves!" So I looked. Then he howled, not to scare me on purpose. Which was good bc it didn't scare me. But then we decided to do it to my sister. so he called her and was like, "Jenna look over there!!!!" And he had her stand right in front of him. As soon as she saw the moon, my dad and I howled as loud as he could in her ear. She screamed. She never screams. She's like the hardest to prank. My dad and I just about fell off our chairs laughing while she yelled at us.