forum The Weirdest (Or Pranks That You've Done) Things You've Done
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

people_alt 7 followers


I've done so many weird things…

  1. Thrown my signed copy of 'Sea Of Monsters' into the ocean as a tribute to Poseidon (age 10)
  2. Ran around town on Halloween Night screaming 'Pack, Pack, Kill, Kill' (age 11)
  3. (This is a prank) My neighbor has this tiny snail sculpture, me and my friends changed it with a slug
  4. Accidentally dived headfirst into a dumpster (it smelled, really, really bad, I'm not making this up!)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Ok, here's my latest weird thing:

Last night, my sister and I sat on the floor and had a "Sibling Photo Contest" with our friend and her brother. We all sent pictures that the other team had to re-create. I ended up having to draw the Batman symbol on a paper towel to put it on a cup to re-create one of their pictures. Oh, and then we took random videos and sent them to our family…



And lol Sorceress, seems like something my sibs and friends would do, too.


Long story short, prank gone wrong and I broke my sister's arm.

Short story long, when I was eight years old I was super into this prank TV show that came on every Thursday night (I still remember sniff). These were the days before prank channels on YouTube, everyone… But anyway, I wanted to be as cool as the people on the TV show. So the next morning I woke up earlier than my sisters (three girls shared one room, with a bunk bed and a twin bed). I slept on the bottom bunk at that point, and I thought it'd be funny to move the ladder from one side of the bed to the other so that when the sister on the top woke up, she'd try to climb down the ladder and see it was missing. I envisioned her being like, "Oh no! WHERE'D THE LADDER GO?!?!" and I thought it would be freaking hilarious. What ended up happening was, she woke up, sat up like a robot, swung her legs over the side, and just slid to the floor with a thud. It was the weirdest thing. I thought it was crazy unfair how weirdly she woke up that morning (at the time I wanted to scream that it wasn't my fault she didn't notice that the ladder wasn't there XD). But she broke her arm from the fall.

The worst part of it is that the day before, she had just gone shopping for her first season of soccer ever (she was seven at the time), and was super excited and took a bunch of pictures in her soccer stuff. So her first season of soccer was ruined. PLUS, my other sister kind of half woke up while I was "setting up" the prank and said, "That's not a good idea," and I replied, "What do you mean, it'll be fine." UGH. I was forced to be the good arm for my sister while she healed.

I wasn't allowed to watch the prank TV show ever again. :'(

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@Masterkey oh no XD

The closest thing I've ever done to that was when my 5th grade teacher jokingly told me to stand on a chair by my brother's bed and then jump off of it onto him when he was sleeping. Well, soon after that I had a sleepover with my friend, let's call her Tracy, and for some reason, (I don't even remember why, I know we didn't stay up that late), we were up super early in the morning. So I took this folding chair and I dragged it over beside my brother's bed and unfolded it. And Tracy, she was laughing by this point, she was kind of in the doorway with her hands over her mouth, trying not to make too much noise. So I got up on this chair, and then I kind of looked at my sleeping brother, and I was trying not to laugh, too, and then I jumped off the chair onto him. Oh, he was so mad. I leapt off the bed as fast as I could but I think he got ahold of me somehow and things were getting bad. I think it was around then that I realized how terrible this idea was. All the noise woke up my mom and she came in looking exhausted and absolutely pissed and Tracy and I ran off as fast as we could and tried to hide in my room but my mom blocked the door and she gave us a good scolding that only terrified us a little bit and then she sent us off to bed. My brother hated me for that for days after, though, and I kept trying to say, "but mommy, my teacher told me to, and aren't you always telling me to listen to my teachers?" No matter how many times I tried, my mother was having none of it XD

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I once walked to my sister's door and closed it. She said, "Connie, what are you doing? I see you."
"Just watch." I prepared myself. "Some-" I kicked the door open. "body once told me!"
I ran into my room laughing, which was a foot away.
I do this weird thing when I listen to music. I tap my fingers to the beat, and since I've been listening to some very busy dubstep lately, it looks like my hand is spazzing out. My mom saw me do this once and looked at me for a soil twenty seconds and just smiled. Just smiled! That smile was full of "Yeah, my daughter has issues, Connie stop that. Connie are you okay? Omg, she has issues."
I was once dancing to Unarmed by Dex Arson (I had in earbuds.) and my little sister just looked at me like I was on drugs. She joined in and I was confused on why my sister is was having an involuntary dance-off with me.
I once pranked my little brother by splashing water from a water bottle in his face. He got so mad at me. He tried to do it to me and I twisted his wrist so the water splashed on him.
Me and my sister decided to do a Herobrine prank on my brother (I was like ten.) We got everything ready and we played. I was Herobrine and my sister, I forgot what she did. So i'm running around destroying things and my brother is like "Herobrine omg!" and then my sister told him it was a prank. I was so mad, my brother was mad.
I'm not big on pranks.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

It wasn't something I did but something that one of my teachers from school did. He started a rumor that there was no school on a Tuesday last semester and everyone believed him, it was put into the student newsletter without the principal knowing and soon spread around the school. Nobody showed up to school that Tuesday except for the teachers, they hadn't heard anything about the supposed "no school" so they showed up but nobody else did. When we came back, the principal was REALLY mad and called a teacher meeting but wasn't able to find out what had actually happened. She then called a meeting for each grade, starting with freshmen and ending with seniors about how irresponsible that was until someone showed her the student newsletter that said we had no school. She was even more mad at that point and gave some big shpeal about how this is never to happen again and that next time there would be serious consequences. We later found out that my teacher who started all this, just wanted A DAY OFF!! He convinced the whole school that we didn't have school so he didn't have to come to school! He is my idol and I hope to be like him some day XD. He never got caught and the whole thing has blown over now with the faculty. XD XD XD


So………………………………………my dad takes my into his office which is an hour from where we live once a month(orthodontist appointments) and we both act like five year olds. My first story about this happened today, actually. So this is LITERALLY what happened.
Dad: (doing the math in his head)So if we want to see the Black Panther tonight, we'll have to stay at the office until seven, then come here(the mall), then we'll be here watching the movie till nine, then we'll get home at ten. But let's do it anyway.
Me: Yeah! Let's do it!
Dad: Okay
Awkward silence
Dad: You tell mom.


Yup. We also have song battles in the car. And my dad with traffic……………………..aiaiai. It's hysterical. I'm dying of laughter while he's yelling at traffic, and TRAFFIC LIGHTS. Ooh and he likes saying things in weird accents, then watching me die of laughter. And dad jokes. *deep breath


Yeah, most plans for almost anyone with dad end with everyone being scared to tell mom and the plans falling through XD

(My dad and I are pranksters. Oh geez. We did the whipped cream in hand to my eight-year-old brother when he was six, but used ketchup instead.