forum The nity Grity debate section
Started by @Consider-PB_and_the_Jellies

people_alt 52 followers

@Pickles group

Trump is blaming the whole thing on Democrats, and we need information from China so that way we… I don't know, have more information about this potentially fatal thing.

@Pickles group

Yes it fucking is and it's ignorant people like you that are going to make it worse

Actually it’s not it only affects people that have bad health, and the elderly
Around 2% of people who got corona die
Most people who get corona don’t even know they have it cuz’ it’s not that bad
(In American terms) 14.9% elderly people

Also nope. They don't realize they have it because some people aren't symptomatic, but they can still pass it onto other people. Which is another thing that makes it dangerous



First of all thank you

Trump is blaming the whole thing on Democrats, and we need information from China so that way we… I don't know, have more information about this potentially fatal thing.

Second of all Trump is wrong we shouldn’t be blaming the whole thing on democrats they’re just a voting party and have nothing to do with how viruses work. We also have our own scientist who can get to work studying the people who are sick here in America


Also nope. They don't realize they have it because some people aren't symptomatic, but they can still pass it onto other people. Which is another thing that makes it dangerous

When you usually don’t show symptoms it’s usually a minor case, also when a virus is passed on enough it usually gets weaker

@Pickles group


First of all thank you

Trump is blaming the whole thing on Democrats, and we need information from China so that way we… I don't know, have more information about this potentially fatal thing.

Second of all Trump is wrong we shouldn’t be blaming the whole thing on democrats they’re just a voting party and have nothing to do with how viruses work.

That's my point. Why are you listening to him when he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about?

We also have our own scientist who can get to work studying the people who are sick here in America

That's what they're doing, and that's part of why they're saying it's a big deal. They would know. It's also really expensive to even get tested for it, which you have to pay for yourself. Insurance won't cover it.

@Pickles group

Also nope. They don't realize they have it because some people aren't symptomatic, but they can still pass it onto other people. Which is another thing that makes it dangerous

When you usually don’t show symptoms it’s usually a minor case, also when a virus is passed on enough it usually gets weaker

I'm sure all the people with a pre-existing condition would LOVE to hear that.


Also nope. They don't realize they have it because some people aren't symptomatic, but they can still pass it onto other people. Which is another thing that makes it dangerous

When you usually don’t show symptoms it’s usually a minor case, also when a virus is passed on enough it usually gets weaker

I'm sure all the people with a pre-existing condition would LOVE to hear that.

Well yeah if you have bade health that wouldn’t be good but if you didn’t you’d typically be fine


I don't know how to tell you to care about other people instead of justifying your selfish views through misinformation.

This is all I know, it could be wrong information but yet again this is what I know. I’m also not trying to care badly about other people it’s just that in my eyes it doesn’t seem like that bad of a thing

@Pickles group

I don't know how to tell you to care about other people instead of justifying your selfish views through misinformation.

This is all I know, it could be wrong information but yet again this is what I know. I’m also not trying to care badly about other people it’s just that in my eyes it doesn’t seem like that bad of a thing

Then why are you making claims instead of actually researching more?


I can not put to words how insanely toxic and deadly this whole "whatever, it's just a mild flu, it won't hurt me" mindset is-

I’m not saying that it’s a mild flu, it is deadly to some people, but from what I know it’s not hurting most people


I don't know how to tell you to care about other people instead of justifying your selfish views through misinformation.

This is all I know, it could be wrong information but yet again this is what I know. I’m also not trying to care badly about other people it’s just that in my eyes it doesn’t seem like that bad of a thing

Then why are you making claims instead of actually researching more?

Because I was starting what with what I know like most people do, but I will start researching more


Here’s what I found:

“In a Chinese analysis of more than 72,000 case records, 2.3% of those confirmed or suspected (based on symptoms and exposure) to have the virus died. Patients above 80 years of age had an alarmingly high fatality rate of 14.8%. Patients ages 70 to 79 years had a fatality rate of 8%. In Italy, where the death toll from the virus stood at 52 as of March 4, the fatalities were all in people over age 60.”

“On Sunday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the UK government's "very best assessment" was that the mortality rate was "2% or, likely, lower".

“Some people infected with the virus have no symptoms. When the virus does cause symptoms, common ones include low-grade fever, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. However, COVID-19 can occasionally cause more severe symptoms like high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath, which often indicates pneumonia.”

@Pickles group

In all three of those, you're disproving your point. The first two are from March 4. The third one… Tell me you can see why that's just proving my point.
That said, I'm legitimately done. Have fun when all your relatives die because you thought that just because it didn't affect you right away it wasn't a big deal. That is all.


In all three of those, you're disproving your point. The first two are from March 4. The third one… Tell me you can see why that's just proving my point.
That said, I'm legitimately done. Have fun when all your relatives die because you thought that just because it didn't affect you right away it wasn't a big deal. That is all.

Well I did like an idiot go with the ones that were on age one of google I should go to bing

Also saying have fun when all my relative die is kinda crossing the line


I'll attempt to explain using some good old American history.

So, there are the two groups of people:
Those being prepared by cancelling large events and gatherings (such as concerts or schools), staying home, keeping calm
And those going on vacations, sharing food/drinks, setting up large festivals or gatherings, and acting like nothing's happening because "it's just a flu"

I'm going to represent those mindsets using the cities of St Louis and Philadelphia, during the horror that was the 1918 pandemic-

St Louis was extremely quick to act, cancelling all schools, gatherings, festivals, concerts, telling people to work from home, taking every precaution they could before there was even a single case in the city.

Philadelphia, on the other hand, despite being urged not to by medical professionals, held the city's largest parade, with hundreds of thousands of people crowding together to watch the show.

While at first St Louis was looked down upon for being so restrictive over a flu, people's minds changed very quickly once the sickness started spreading, with Philadelphia being the main center of the outbreak.

Due to the insane rise of cases in such a small area, hospitals were unable to treat most of the patients, and millions of people lost their lives because of it.
St Louis, however, had one of the lowest death rates in the US, even though the cases were still quite high in the end. This is cause even though the disease still spread, due to the lack of socialization, it spread very slowly, allowing the medics to keep up with treatment.

If you want more recent examples, look at South Korea vs Italy. They were both hit hard with Coronavirus, but Italy was much less prepared, and now they're having to choose between saving the life of a 40-year-old mother with three young kids, a 60-year-old with high blood pressure, or a 20-year-old with severe health conditions, all while people are dying in the hallways due to lack of beds.

There's a reason everything's being shut down so early. The cities aren't being over-dramatic. Lives are at stake, and they're doing what's been proven to work in order to save innocent people.
Sorry if that gets in the way of your summer vacation plans.

Deleted user

It's not "that bad"
but you know what is?