forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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That’s the goal. He figured it out on his own, then confirmed with people I told, but he acted so normal I had no idea until someone told me that he already knew. So at this point, everything I was afraid of has really already happened anyway and it’s still fine. And I like him soooooo much, I feel that I should just go for it and if it works out, great, but if it doesn’t then hopefully we can still be friends. I mean, he’s still friends with a girl he dated his freshman year and the girl he used to have a crush on, confessed to, and got rejected by. (Granted they were already close to begin with, but from my experience, the doesn’t necessarily mean anything.) so, I think I’m just gonna do it. Maybe the reason I feel that he’s been acting, like, more engaging with me is because he likes me back, or maybe it’s because he values my friendship. I will take either. I really would. So. Yeah. That’s what’s up atm.


So in drama yesterday I might have sorta planned out an entire play? And there are tons of LGBT+ characters? Why am I like this I have 10000000 other stories I should be writing and I have too many assignments


Please tell us how it goes

You'll have to wait until tomorrow at the soonest, I gave her the note that I wrote the poem on at the end of the school day and hurried back to my locker, partially because I was nervous and partially because if I didn't, I was going to miss my bus.

@HighPockets group

So in drama yesterday I might have sorta planned out an entire play? And there are tons of LGBT+ characters? Why am I like this I have 10000000 other stories I should be writing and I have too many assignments?



So in drama yesterday I might have sorta planned out an entire play? And there are tons of LGBT+ characters? Why am I like this I have 10000000 other stories I should be writing and I have too many assignments?


Basically, there's a guy and a girl who are best friends and are gay. They're in their final year of high school. They both have homophobic parents, though, so the boy has been pretending that he has a girlfriend. His parents ask him when they'll get to meet the girlfriend, and he panics and says that he'll invite her over for dinner for Friday (it's Wednesday at that point in the story).

When he gets to school, he asks his friend if she can pretend to be his girlfriend. She agrees to help him out. At the dinner, his parents are being really homophobic, so the girl gets upset and goes to the bathroom. He follows after her, and suggests that they go for a walk, as it might help.

While they're walking, she tells him that she has a crush on a girl in their year, but doesn't know how to ask her out. he decides to help her. The next day, they meet up with their friends (most of whom are LGBT+) and make plans to help the girl ask her crush out, and to help both to come out to their parents.

Deleted user

Yay, at youth group and I feel fantastic because no homophobia! Because homophobia is sort of outlawed here lol. Cause it's LGBTQ+. Duh. Haha sorry I'm acting weird.


Nah bb it's fine.
Chesire cat smile
We're all mad here!!
Me in particular.
Most of y'all are probably sane.
I'm just weird.

what is s a n e ? I've been crazy my whole life


Nah bb it's fine.
Chesire cat smile
We're all mad here!!
Me in particular.
Most of y'all are probably sane.
I'm just weird.

Not me
I ain't sane

Deleted user

Nah bb it's fine.
Chesire cat smile
We're all mad here!!
Me in particular.
Most of y'all are probably sane.
I'm just weird.

w h a.t d o y o u m e a n s a n e.???

Deleted user

That's not healthy for your health
But hi Stoned, I'm Sol

Suppppp Mar'sday

Deleted user

That's not healthy for your health
But hi Stoned, I'm Sol

Suppppp Mar'sday

? I am concerned

Hi Concerned, i am Connie.
Also you arent v smort but das fien.


I'm in distress
I was wearing my leather jacket, and I laid down on a plate I was eating fries off, and now there is ketchup on my beautiful jacket