forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Aight, so my friend's older brother is a massive maths nerd. And he took it upon himself to learn as much of pi as he could. To do this, he made a sort of song thing. And that was all cool, right? Until my friend started singing it at school. All. The. Time. And of course it got stuck in my head, so now I know a lot of Pi.

3.14159265358979846264 (I hope that's correct!)


that's more than google gave me so good for you lol. Some people have dedication. then there's me who doesn't even have all my siblings name memorized. good on you.

Deleted user

Well… uh….. I'm Polysexual so uh….. like……. its hard to explain but like…… i'm not completely hetero but im not lesbian….

Deleted user

I guess its like….. become a codeword for people who are under the bisexual umbrella too…..


I mean, technically, I am heteroflexivle but since that’s a thing no one knows about I just say bi and if I need to also explain that I am more attracted to men than women, but I’m still attracted to both….which is what heteroflexible means….


Got it…

Quick question for the gays and lesbians out there:

Do you ever find people of the opposite gender cute? If you saw someone of the opposite gender as very hot and nice, would you be romantically attracted to them? So, what I'm asking is, is it possible for gays and lesbians to find the opposite gender attractive?

I'm not trying to be rude or confuzzle you all, I am just naturally curious. Of course, all gay and lesbian people are different, but I wanna hear what you guys think.


I mean I'm nb and into anything that isn't male, but I have found guys good looking? like not romantically appealing or anything like that, but I guess I can appreciate a nice face?

@Becfromthedead group

Idk, I'm not 100% sure what genders I like, but I do find girls a lot more aesthetically attractive/cute.
Also, kind of off topic, but how do you ask someone's pronouns if you don't know them very well? There's someone that I know and have talked to a few times, and I think they're a really cool person, but I feel kind of bad not knowing what to refer to them by. I'm pretty sure they're NB, but I don't want to assume. Isn't "they" a safe choice up until you know for sure?


I'd just straight up ask them, but that might not be the right thing? See if they're cool with LGBTQ+ stuff first, people can be garbage and you don't want to get judged if this person turns out to be like that.


Got it…

Quick question for the gays and lesbians out there:

Do you ever find people of the opposite gender cute? If you saw someone of the opposite gender as very hot and nice, would you be romantically attracted to them? So, what I'm asking is, is it possible for gays and lesbians to find the opposite gender attractive?

I'm not trying to be rude or confuzzle you all, I am just naturally curious. Of course, all gay and lesbian people are different, but I wanna hear what you guys think.

well i mean its like when an ace person thinks someones cute
or an aro ace person can still appreciate the fact that someones pretty


To quote a fantastic tumblr post: “I'm not sexually (or romantically) attracted to shoes but I can still tell when a pair looks good”



Also, I'm telling my friend that I like her! It's with a stupid, cheesy poem, but I'm trying. Hopefully she reciprocates the feelings!

aww that's so cute… i wish you luck!