forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hello my queer peeps I have a question for all my trans dudes out there who are too cheep or don’t have the money to purchase a chest binder or live with LGBT+phobic family and they won’t let you buy a chest binder
Do any of you guys know how to make a homemade binder or can you use like anything to hide your business with out it being obvious your doing it if anyone knows items to use or supplies to buy PLEASE TELL ME

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I usually use a tight sports bra, put on a tank over that, then put on my shirt and it usually hides my chest bretty well

@HighPockets group

Don't use ace bandages, that can fuck up your ribs.
Uhhh idk how to make a binder but I do know that there are charities and such that you can get them from, not sure if they're new or donated or if you have to pay, but it's worth checking out ig


I’ll try that cause I have some sports bras that fit ish from like 2 years ago and way to many tank tops cause I have a plaid shirt addiction so I’m going to try that one

@Moxie group

Omg I have a non-binary teacher
Okay well technically they're not teaching me, they're teaching the freshman but I do have them for one of my study hall blocks


My fam is very Christian and VERY traditional so I won’t tell my fam I’m Trans and Pan till I can move out or go to college

@HighPockets group

I started watching Steven Universe and I really like it so far!
I'm only 14 episodes into S1 (don't bother trying not to spoil me, I know the spoilers already) and Amethyst is my favorite!
She's such a mood.


Ok I bet it will go good then if you already came out about sexuality in my mind coming out with your sexuality is WAY harder than coming out with you gender but everyone is different I really hope it goes well for you


We never really talked about when I came out. I just did then hid in my room. My mom knows multiple gay people so it wasn't that hard but I think talking about me being genderfluid will be harder especially because my gender isn't binary.

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wiggles fingers magically

May all the powers of Gay be with you.

@HighPockets group

I'm so freaking excited rn, a comedy group I watch just had a sketch where one of the cast members came out (well he'd been out since December but it was the first time he played a gay character) and it's their first time having a gay character in a sketch, I'm so happy!!!