forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Mine still don't know….

onlee my sis does and im kinda worried she's gonna spill

Same with my family

Deleted user

Mine still don't know….

onlee my sis does and im kinda worried she's gonna spill

Same with my family

Mine know and they are (apparently) homophobic. So I have to pretend to have "grown out of it" to be treated normally

Deleted user

Mine still don't know….

onlee my sis does and im kinda worried she's gonna spill

Same with my family

Mine know and they are (apparently) homophobic. So I have to pretend to have "grown out of it" to be treated normally

oh no…


um since ur all gay n' whatnot
do u have any ideas how to come out to my parents
cuz they are strictly anti-LGBTQ+

don't come out if it's not safe
I can not stress that enough


yeah my family is all homophobic except for my grandparents and aunt (who has a girlfriend). I'm kind of worried for one of my sisters because I think she might come out as LGBT later on in life and I know that might cause her to get kicked out since she and my parents don't get along


if I had a dime for every time I've wanted to punch someone for being anti-lgbt, religiously/culturally ignorant, etc, I'd be rich

And if I had a dime for every one of the haters that I have punched I'd be rich!


mine is very "ah yes, that's so and such's perfect straight child who's going to sweden next year"

and yet, I am the complete opposite of that lmao

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I have punched people, but I can cry on command and no one wants to see a "sweet little child." cry they're all like "No, Macy is too nice. She would never do this." So I never end up in trouble, perks of being a drama kid.