forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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I literally DESPISE how people make a big deal when someone comes out.

Like- I don't want you to tell me how it doesn't change anything and how much you love me-
I don't really want a hug either.

I'd much rather have you respond with "I don't really care though" and just kind of accept it.
No more than that. Just accept it.

Idk if it's just me but I hate how people make such a big deal.


Nah, it's not just you.
All that crooning "babey" bullshit gets on my nerves to be honest.
Like, can you not? I'm not constantly looking for validation. I don't need YOU to tell me that what I am is "okay".

Deleted user

I literally DESPISE how people make a big deal when someone comes out.

Like- I don't want you to tell me how it doesn't change anything and how much you love me-
I don't really want a hug either.

I'd much rather have you respond with "I don't really care though" and just kind of accept it.
No more than that. Just accept it.

Idk if it's just me but I hate how people make such a big deal.

I think it depends.
When people have come out to me I've hyped them up.
When I came out it was always very chill and honestly I would've appreciated some reassurance or whatever

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I’m flying home rn but my auntie wore a bluelives matter hat and I almost cried

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I have no idea what Blue Lives Matter is. I am such an uncultured swine.

trash :)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have no idea what Blue Lives Matter is. I am such an uncultured swine.

trash :)

Last week I saw a guy outside the dollar store with a blue lives matter hoodie and he looked. exactly. like trump, but slightly less orange
i was so tempted to say 'nice cosplay'

@spacebluelily language

I have no idea what Blue Lives Matter is. I am such an uncultured swine.

trash :)

Last week I saw a guy outside the dollar store with a blue lives matter hoodie and he looked. exactly. like trump, but slightly less orange
i was so tempted to say 'nice cosplay'

I would have definitely said nice cosplay and then I would have started running. Or just enter one of the other stores around the dollar store.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I have no idea what Blue Lives Matter is. I am such an uncultured swine.

trash :)

Last week I saw a guy outside the dollar store with a blue lives matter hoodie and he looked. exactly. like trump, but slightly less orange
i was so tempted to say 'nice cosplay'

I would have definitely said nice cosplay and then I would have started running. Or just enter one of the other stores around the dollar store.

dammit, you missed your chance, Ash!! That could have been peak comedy…

Deleted user

(BLUE LIVES MATTER! realization they be talking about SMURFSSS)

Deleted user

my dad put up a trump sign (indoors, he didn't want it stolen)
i'm tempted to yeet it outside and lie about it

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DOOO ITT I stole a trump sign and ran away while there was a flippin doggio chasen me

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It’s time to think I’m faking my own mental health issues that I’ve been officially diagnosed with boyyyyyys.