forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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so i went trick or treating with him this year
this is the same cousin who uses gay as a synonym for dumb/stupid, throws around the r word like its no big deal, makes the “i SeXuLLy iDeNTiFy As An AtTaCk HeLiCoPtEr” jokes, and is a trump supporter
dont get me wrong hes not a bad person and i like him, that stuff just gets on my nerves
so anyway, we were talking and we got to the topic of crushes. i told him about how i had been confused recently about my feelings and i said “i didn’t know if i had a crush on her or if i just wanted to be friends” and he was like “HER??? youre becoming a lesbian!” and im like “would that be a problem?”
so also im like “yeah im not straight”
he goes on this talk about how “well nobody is straight or gay because we’re all dying every second and we’re not actually alive until we’re dead” and im like 👁👄👁 wut. you lost me
anyway, he was shouting, or at least talking very loudly about me being gay, with other people around (even though i did specify that im aroace) and im like please,,, stop,,,
i kinda felt like i was begging him not to talk about this when we got back to the house. i was so scared he was going to out me but luckily he didnt 😅
so yeah. that was me coming out to my cousin while trick or treating

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I was expecting more "oh, he was chill with it" not "imma rant about death"

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my family was fine with me coming out though they were kinda sad that i told my friends first

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Parents gave no fucks.
Friends dared me to kiss an ugly boy. I didn't.

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Damn that sucks

wait why?

That your cousin did/was all those horrible things

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Damn that sucks

wait why?

That your cousin did/was all those horrible things

i wouldn’t say it went badly though

Fair enough

@larcenistarsonist group

I went trick-or-treating with my two best friends today, and one of them told me about a fight she had with my really good friend that moved to a different state over the summer. It was about me so of course I told her to show me, and apparently he's not as supportive as I thought he was… He is painfully mormon and thinks that his religion "is the truth" and thinks everything else is bullcrap. I thought he was a lot different than that… My friend obviously argued with him, she's Christian (I think…) but is one of the most open-minded and inclusive person I know. She defended me and stuff which made me really happy… but I really thought he was my friend. If he was, he would accept me for being pansexual and atheist. He thinks that me being pan is just a choice, but sexuality isn't a choice, it's just who you are. He also thinks that I'm "confused" for being atheist and that I "need the guidance of God" to be straight or something. I'm literally shaking with anger as I'm writing this and I want to go to his state and smack him. I am so pissed. So freaking pissed.

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my family was fine with me coming out though they were kinda sad that i told my friends first

Same. My mom was also a bit upset that I told my friends at all.

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I was like: Sorry but I trust my friends more than my family (kinda sad) and thats with me havin trust issues

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My parents still pretend my relationship with my boyfriend didn’t happen until it suited them to use it to try and force me to stay in their house and continue suffering abuse. In case you can’t tell, I really don’t like my parents.

@larcenistarsonist group

Okay UPDATE: I talked to my friend who was saying shit about religion and sexuality and all he did was send"i know I'm sorry 😔" and I was going off on him because what he said what bullshit and he was being an asshole. After I was done talking to him, I told him that it would be a while before I could talk to him again and blocked him.


Okay UPDATE: I talked to my friend who was saying shit about religion and sexuality and all he did was send"i know I'm sorry 😔" and I was going off on him because what he said what bullshit and he was being an asshole. After I was done talking to him, I told him that it would be a while before I could talk to him again and blocked him.

Hell yes dude :')
more power to ya <3