forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@spacebluelily language

Interesting. .
Whenever I get invited to parties I either just make an excuse and stay home or I actually go.
Why? Because my friends get so annoying and then start saying things to make me feel bad.

Deleted user

Parties aren't all that cool. Not like what you see in the movies or whatever. There's still drugs and shit sometimes though.


Always wrong again
I apologized
I'm still left on read
You were out of line

Written paragraphs
Full of deadly lies
You said you held your tongue
But against what guise?

Always wrong again
I apologized
You laughed in my face
As you watched me cry

Said it was your nerves
We know that's a lie
This shit's getting old
For the sixteenth time

Deleted user

Me, having a high expectation of every person:
Also me: simps for someone I saw in panera, simps for someone online, simps for a friend, simp, simp, simp, simp


oh damn I'm with you on that one
My boyfriend broke up with me via SOMEONE ELSE'S TEXTS yesterday :)

Oh my god!! You don't deserve that sweet thing. Imma beat him up. >:3

thank you :')


im not fucking ignoring you?? Josh ffs im trying, i havent had my fuckin phone to fucking message you. and the fucking name change was because it just didnt fit anymore, its not that fuckin serious man fr. and ffs i didnt even keep achilles,

go ahead and be fucking angry but its not my fuckin problem. and mfer YOU didnt pick that fucking name. I read it off a fucking list and you thought it was nice. A list I still fucking have btw. Quit weaving this false fucking narrative that I dont fucking care because you know full fucking well ive been there for you. Ive been there for you whenever i could but youre the one fucking refusing my help. mate you have no fucking idea how terrifying it is being with a partner who could just fucking kill himself at any moment. You think youre scared??? josh im fucking terrified. i cant leave you alone for a fucking day otherwise youll fucking spill over. I cant fucking keep doing this dude, you always just assume the worst with me, that im ignoring you on purpose and that i dont care. Thats so fucking disheartening with the amount of effort ive fucking put into this relstionship. josh this isnt working, youve got this weird idea in your head that one minute youre the bad gut and the fucking next everybody around you are the bad guys.

so be angry all you fucking want but dont thing for a fucking minute that I dont fucking care. get your head out of your fucking ass josh and come back to me when youre not wallowing in your own self pity, because according to you thats exactly what im doing. im fucking sorry for hurting you, i swore to you i would never do that, but ffs no matter what i do its always my fault. you ever wonder why i keep my fucking mouth shut when you piss me off? because every fucking time i tell you im hurt you turn it into a pity party about "how much of a horrible person you". i feel like im treading on eggshells with you dude! i cant fuckin do that shit forever.

so dont fuckin sit there and act like im the fuckin problem. im sick of keeping my mouth shut to keep you stable. thats not fucking healthy josh.


Deleted user

That…. I don’t know what to make of that but there is a red flag somewhere.


"mfer YOU didnt pick that fucking name. I read it off a fucking list and you thought it was nice. A list I still fucking have btw."
that's literally picking a name what

Deleted user

I'm going to fight him, I swear to god, I'm going to fight him


here's the fifth paragraph :)

and for laughing? josh i laugh when i dont want to cry, when i dont know what to do and when i dont know whats happening. i wasnt fuckin laughing at you. i was scared josh, fucking terrified even because i wasn't sure what to say or how to feel.