forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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"no matter what i do its always my fault"
even @Whisper-Is-A-Halloween-Fan can tell you that one of the most frequent things I say is "It's okay, It's not your fault" :')

Deleted user

Yeah, apart from the bad formatting most of it sounds like bullshit and victim-blaming.


"you always just assume the worst with me" the fuck no I've told him so, SO many times that he was one of THE best things that has ever happened to me

"you have no fucking idea how terrifying it is being with a partner who could just fucking kill himself at any moment" I was just saying how much of a better place I was in two weeks ago before he decided to fuckin dip on me :)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

"no matter what i do its always my fault"
even @Whisper-Is-A-Halloween-Fan can tell you that one of the most frequent things I say is "It's okay, It's not your fault" :')

Hi, can confirm

Deleted user

What do you get when you get to go to a spooky farm with your crush late at night. EVEN THOUGH YOU BOTH ARE DATING SOMEONE….My heart is exploding…LIKE HELP…


What do you get when you get to go to a spooky farm with your crush late at night. EVEN THOUGH YOU BOTH ARE DATING SOMEONE….My heart is exploding…LIKE HELP…

don't know what that feels like :)

Deleted user

Also Sorry for the massive amounts of periods. My hands are slightly shaking.


"because every fucking time i tell you im hurt you turn it into a pity party about "how much of a horrible person you"
to the tune of Blowin' In The Wind by Peter Paul and Mary
how many times have I put my issues aside
to make sure that you're doing fine

Deleted user

What do you get when you get to go to a spooky farm with your crush late at night. EVEN THOUGH YOU BOTH ARE DATING SOMEONE….My heart is exploding…LIKE HELP…

don't know what that feels like :)

It's okay, I Just GAH. SHe likes me too. BUT y'know. we ain't cheaters. BUT if i could sneak a small kiss. like on the cheek. I would.


Also I genuinely wanna hear your analyses because I feel like maybe I'm being too harsh and maybe he does have some valid points and now I'm starting to doubt myself again annnnnd here come the tears-

Deleted user

Nah, you were spot on.
He's a dick and you don't need to waste any more time thinking about what he's saying. Eat some ice cream, watch a rom com, have some fun :)