forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@spacebluelily language

You know what I like my theater teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

He sounds like a really cool dude

He really is. And before class starts he asks what going on and stuff like that. He's also gay and once told us about his husband.


You know what I like my theater teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

He sounds like a really cool dude

He really is. And before class starts he asks what going on and stuff like that. He's also gay and once told us about his husband.

oh my god that's adorable what????

Deleted user

also one of the band directors in my school is gay and his boyfriend and him are so cute

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

You know what I like my theatre teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

My Photojournalism teacher asked us our preferred pronouns on the first day of class and that's why it's my favorite class

@spacebluelily language

You know what I like my theater teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

He sounds like a really cool dude

He really is. And before class starts he asks what going on and stuff like that. He's also gay and once told us about his husband.

oh my god that's adorable what????


@spacebluelily language

You know what I like my theatre teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

My Photojournalism teacher asked us our preferred pronouns on the first day of class and that's why it's my favorite class

I love teachers who ask you your prefer pronouns or by what name you would like to go by.


dude I don't have any teachers like that
(insert high school name here) is just a bunch of trump-supporting rich kids who pretend to be farmers because it's "sTaRfArM" and "sTARFARM PRIDE"
yeah, sure
starfarm pride, but gay pride? HAHAHAHHAHno


I had a kid put his hand up in class once and ask my science teacher if "trannies were aliens".
I genuinely can't make shit like this up.

Deleted user

I had a kid put his hand up in class once and ask my science teacher if "trannies were aliens".
I genuinely can't make shit like this up.

may i just- wild gestures poof over and. yell at them please


I had a kid put his hand up in class once and ask my science teacher if "trannies were aliens".
I genuinely can't make shit like this up.

may i just- wild gestures poof over and. yell at them please

I almost forgot
I'm the only trans guy at my school. We've got 2 THOUSAND people.


I don't mean to throw all my problems on to all you lovely people and for that, I'm sorry
I've been having issues with my boyfriend-who's-now-not-a-boy-but-a-theyfriend

Deleted user

You know what I like my theater teacher? He asks us what name we would like to go by. Not only that, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.

He sounds like a really cool dude

He really is. And before class starts he asks what going on and stuff like that. He's also gay and once told us about his husband.

oh my god that's adorable what????


Mmm! My dnd club's facilatator uses she/they pronouns and I think is amab! But she's really cool, I hope I get her class


gods there is nothing more awkward then when you're telling a story, but then you realize you can't really tell it without accidentally outing yourself, but you're already too far in to back out, so without thinking you pull the "I have LGBT friends" to continue telling it, but then you realize that sounds super homophobic without the context of you also being LGBT, and you just want to bury yourself alive.
even worse when you try and explain further to save your ass from the silent judgment of these strangers, but then you remember your actually homophobic irl friend is in that same group, so if you defend the community too much she might get sus of you, and-

in case it's not obvious this has happened to me twice now

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I genuinely have no clue how my friend and I aren't dating
He doesn't know either
You might think 'well then, you two should date'
And I would like to do so
But social anxiety, yaaay
On both sides




oop, me lmfao
Congrats tho! Welcome to the gay side :)