forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@larcenistarsonist group

Nice! Among Us or a different fandom? I have running WIPS for Percy Jackson, Splatoon don't judge me, Harry Potter, Ninjago stop judging me, Among Us, Marvel, Star Wars, and like a dozen independent works.

Deleted user

Different fandom. It’s uh… embarrassing Frankenstein, the book so yeah. And also wow that’s a lot.

@larcenistarsonist group

Yeah I'm a scatterbrain, I can never focus on one topic for too long and so I skip around fandoms. Right now I'm kinda stuck in the Percy Jackson fandom I AM LIVING FOR SOLANGELO OKAY But I eventually circle around to my other fandoms.

Deleted user

I mean that’s valid. I just have like,,,, one fixation for about six months to a year and then that dies for four years before I remember it and get hit with feels lol.

Deleted user

Awesome. I loved that show when I was younger. The ice robot guy Zane? He’s Zane, right? was my favorite.

@larcenistarsonist group

yeah that's Zane Cole has always been my favorite. He deserves so much better… I have two OCs for that fandom that I freaking love with all my heart and I'm using one of them for an rp right now- WAIT I THINK IT'S THE RP I'M DOING WITH YOU-

@larcenistarsonist group

Yeehaw, yeah Shea's the Elemental Master of Fear and was adopted by Cole's family when she was young. There's a lot more but I'm not gonna go in depth cuz I doubt you wanna hear about it XDD

Deleted user

Yes, some of us. I’m fairly low on aesthetic attraction so mine is kinda vague, but I do have a type.

@saor_illust school

oh yeah
aesthetic attraction

eee girls are all really pretty
but then guys
i have a bias for them asian boios
freckled blondies with soff hair?
eeee yissss

and as for that romantic
pffffffff type? not in my dictionary
as long as the guy's nice to me i'm good lol

@larcenistarsonist group

So this is my take on the whole Ninjago thing:

There are 16 realms, not including the First. Before any of the 16 realms were created, in the First Realm, there were two warring tribes, the Oni and Dragon. The Oni represented Destruction and the Dark, while the Dragon stood for the opposite, Creation and Light. The third, a party not associated with the affairs of the Oni and Dragon were the Harshvabarons. The Harshvabarons wanted nothing to do with their war, and lived in peace with both sides for eternity. After a millennia of war, two people from the opposite sides fell in love. Vassu (means noble in the language of the First) was a strong male, who worked closely with the dragons. He was strong and resilient, but also caring. Senya (means nurturing) was a beautiful Oni. She was understanding and willing to change, putting aside years of fighting behind her. They worked together, trying to form peace between the two tribes. Together, they had a child. His name was Spyn (pronounced spin and means peace). The two sides were so close to peace, but then the birth of Spyn changed all that. The Oni and Dragon wanted Spyn to join either side. Spyn was a very powerful boy, with the destruction and creation constantly brewing inside of him. The two opposing forces combated each other like a tornado. Spyn practiced his powers in the shelter of his parent's home. His powers eventually became so grand that he could give fractions of his powers to others. Spyn could take a chunk of his power and create an element. Once he gave it to someone, they became an Elemental and could wield the powers and eventually pass it down through generations. Spyn tried sharing the powers with 10 young individuals, and it backfired immensely. The 10 teenagers could manipulate an emotion of the mind, bending it to their will. Spyn realized the danger of that and decided to leave the First Realm for good. He crafted 16 new realms with his powers and fled to the most peaceful one, where he decided to build a grand city. Spyn had two sons, Wu and Montgomery. Wu inherited Spyn's powers of creation while Montgomery got the opposite. As Spyn got older (his Oni blood kept him alive for centuries and the same with his sons), his powers weakened him, and he knew he had to give them away. He chose fine and worthy mortals to wield his Elements. Before he died, he wrote a prophecy and entrusted it with his youngest son, Wu. Spyn died. Montgomery felt betrayed because his father gave his younger brother some grand prophecy and not him. Montgomery ran away from his brother, and slowly fell into the darkness and destruction brewing inside him.

Back in the First Realm, the descendents of the first 10 Elemental Masters discovered how Spyn left them on the wasteland of the First Realm. They became bitter and spiteful and hatched a plan to go to the precious world Spyn built. The one with no flaws. All of them were on board and together, they forged their powers to create 3 tokens that together could transport them anywhere. Alla, the youngest of the group, thought of the people living in the New Realm and decided that she couldn't let her siblings attack. In the night, she stole the tokens and ran away, but the oldest sibling, Izona (means spiteful) the Master of Anger discovered her and chased Alla. Alla was the Master of Fear. Her powers managed to stall Izona, but she could only go so far. When Izona finally cornered her, he tried to take the tokens away. In a final attempt to get away from him, Alla wished to go to the New Realm and when she opened her eyes, there she was with the three tokens. Alla knew they couldn't be destroyed, so she split them up. She gave the Renegade Charm to the fearless founder of a civilization for misfits and outcasts, Marcus Lane. She gave the Rouge Charm to Montgomery. And she gave the Regal Charm to the kind queen of the Sapphire Kingdom, Queen Sapphire Lake herself. Alone and afraid, Alla wandered into a monastery, where Wu welcomed her with open arms. He nursed her to health and she told him her story. Wu was horrified. Just when he was about to send her away, there was a knock at the door. Eric Garner, Master of Winds, entered and informed Wu of an impending attack on a nearby civilization. So, long story short, Eric and Alla fall in love and have two kids, Sheaenna Aloe and Morrison Aero, after Alla's home and Eric's ancestors.

From his grave, Spyn sensed an intruder in his realm. He sent a bolt of destruction right onto their home. Morro managed to escape with Shea, but their parents weren't as lucky. Shea, who's epileptic, was suffering from a chronic seizure. Morro rushed her to a hospital and quickly had a doctor come see what was wrong. The doctor's name was Priya Aminent. Priya was no doctor though, she was an ancient spirit that was cast away to a dark realm called the Cursed Realm by Spyn himself. Priya could sense the magic radiating off of the siblings, and crafted an idea. All she asked was for Morro to sell her his soul, in exchange for his sister's. Morro, who was around 14, agreed if it meant saving his 5 year old sister. Priya put Shea into a trance where she was practically frozen in time. She sent Morro off, telling him that she would live. Morro wandered around, and he stumbled upon the very monastery his mother had years ago. Wu took him in, teaching the boy how to fight and use his inherited power over the Winds to his advantage. Morro became a gifted student, much better than the rest of Wu's pupils. Wu wondered if Morro was the boy in the prophecy, destined to bring peace to the Oni and Dragon. Wu made the mistake of telling Morro about the prophecy. Morro believed with all of his heart that he was the destined one. He became power hungry and so overly ambitious, it became dangerous. Wu tried to warn him that he might not be the boy in the prophecy, but Morro was convinced it was him.

When the time came, Wu discovered that Morro was not the prophecized one. Morro couldn't believe it when his mentor told him. Morro became angry. Wu made him believe that it was him, only to rip that away from him. The boy stormed away, determined to prove Wu wrong. Prove to him that he was the destined one. Morro slowly fell to the dark side, becoming so crazy for the title as the destined one. He slaughtered enemy forces with ease. He used his power over the Winds to suck the air from his opponent's lungs. He drove his sword through so many people, he lost all feeling of guilt. He found himself at the Caves of Despair, where the Tomb of Spyn was claimed to be. The prophecy said only the destined one could find the Tomb of Spyn. Morro ventured through the tunnels, dodging traps and stepping over skeletons. However, he entered a cave where the air was toxic. He lost consciousness and fell on the ground. When he awoke, he was staring right at the face of Priya Aminent, or as they know her in the Cursed Realm, The Queen Preeminent. Morro was her property after selling his soul to her years ago. He had practically forgotten about his sister, and that made him hurt worse than the toxins. The Queen took him to another realm, the Cursed Realm, the one for souls to bitter and stubborn to pass to the Realm of the Departed. The Cursed Realm was full of people who still yearned for revenge, the ones who weren't done with what they started. Morro felt at home here.

50 years after she was put into her trance, Shea was awoken by an earthquake. The hospital she was in was on the verge of collapsing, but a boy around two years older than her saved her right as the building crumbled behind them. His name was Cole Brookstone. Cole and Shea became fast friends, and eventually Cole's parents adopted Shea because all her family was dead. Cole and Shea found out that Cole's mother, Lily, was the Master of Earth and Cole was bound to inherit it. So, blah blah blah, Cole and Shea were inseparable. On Shea's 16th birthday (technically 66th but who cares), she was kidnaped by someone who discovered who Shea's mother was and wished to use the Element of Fear for himself. Shea had no freaking clue what he was talking about, so she was forced to become a sparring partner for his daughter, Skylor. Skylor was a ruthless warrior who showed no mercy. Skylor destroyed Shea every time they fought, and every day Skylor left a new scar somewhere on Shea's body. One time, Shea and Skylor were sparring, and Shea barely had the upper-hand. Skylor's father ordered his right-hand-man, a sorcerer, to melt the ground at Shea's feet so she sank in and couldn't move. Skylor had slashed Shea across the face with her katana, leaving a scar that trailed from her hairline to her jaw on the left side. She lost all muscle control on that side of her face. After four years of imprisonment, Shea unlocked her powers of Fear and used it to escape. She ran home, only to find it deserted.

And yeah that's what I got so far!! Sorry it was so incredibly long XD XD


Bruuuhhhh I was super into Ninjago like two years ago but I kinda fell out of it, thinking about getting back into it at some point tho. I had an OC that was… definitely something lmao. I was like twelve when I made her. I can go into detail if you're interested lol