forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Jeans and long-sleeved black shirt u-u
Though, I want to wear my silver tights, mini shirt in blues and pinks and whites, my white shirt that says 'P A R I S' with black sleeves, and my white jean jacket
Parents don't like it though so I'm not allowed to

there's a lot of shit that i wanna wear that i can't for various reasons. but today i wore plaid red bell bottoms, a black and red crop top, and my docs.

@Pickles group

I would suggest taking this to rudeness, yes

wait there is a forum for that?

not for you, there isn't <3

not trying to bring the olive thing back up
but can I just say
iconic, I laughed so hard

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I'm finished revising my 6 page "Homosexuality isn't a sin and here's why." Paper, I am at home, and I am afraid to fucking give it to them lmao.

understandable, take your time, and don't stress yourself out over it. also, just a recommendation, don't get all condescending and mean about it. when people feel like they're being talked down to, they get defensive, so be as nice as you can. i know it might piss you off, but believe me, i'm speaking from experience, when you're talking to people who have totally different beliefs than you and also think they're better/right because they're older, you can't talk to them in a rude way because they'll immediately stop listening and start yelling. anyways, just a thought lol. whenever you end up doing it, let us know how it goes, and good luck!!!

@Becfromthedead group

Currently thinking about a certain kitty whom I have fallen in love with :')
Went to volunteer at a shelter this morning and this one black cat took right to me. Like fuck, I already love black cats, but this one is such a sweetheart.
I really wish I was able to take in a cat right now, but alas, I'm living in a dorm and if I brought a cat home, my folks would lose their shit.
Maybe if she's still up for adoption in a few months, depending on my living situation then…


awwwwwww I love when you meet shelter animals that really speak to you
I still remember this sweet three legged cat named Oliver who was at the shelter I volunteer at a few years ago, I wish I could've adopted him :(


I once met a shelter kitten who was a little sandy Scottish fold and I fell head over heels in love with him but it was in Japan so I couldn't get him

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it's so sad though :(
Like I would be a very loving home, there's just no space. I could apply for an emotional support animal, but I don't need one. It's just really easy to get one at my school, even if you don't need it. (Looking at you, my friend who adopted a kitten on impulse, hid her, and claimed her as an ESA when you got caught).
And then like, taking her home. I guess I'd keep her in my room most of the time. She and my dog would probably get along okay. But my parents would be mad as hell probably.


dAMN that is well written, I honestly love it and i wish you luck

thank you ^~^
I'm thinking about seriously writing a book about religion and homosexuality riddled with some religious trauma and how to cope with it.

@ClownB*tch eco

dAMN that is well written, I honestly love it and i wish you luck

thank you ^~^
I'm thinking about seriously writing a book about religion and homosexuality riddled with some religious trauma and how to cope with it.

I say do it, you certainly have the potential and writing ability

Deleted user

My little bastard brain keeps writing different fanfics and aus like: please brain, writing your own original stories ;-;

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

dAMN that is well written, I honestly love it and i wish you luck

thank you ^~^
I'm thinking about seriously writing a book about religion and homosexuality riddled with some religious trauma and how to cope with it.

I say do it, you certainly have the potential and writing ability

i second this, for sure


THANK YOU I'M READING IT RIGHT NOW, I'M VERY EXCITED, I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I'M FINISHED! (if you don't care about what i think about it then just ignore the next few thinks i say lmao shdbkcvskdshvc)


@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i'm just gonna comment as i read through this.

i love when you said, "Therefore, even if it wasn’t mistranslated, even if it actually meant homosexuality, then we all will burn in hell, because guess who has eaten pork? Guess who has eaten shellfish? If you have damned me to hell based on these scriptures, then you have damned yourself as well."

this- this is a good point. the sad part is most people literally just will not accept this, but it is true. i love how you've educated yourself. i need to do a project like this myself. my mom is always telling me to read the bible, "even if you don't believe in it, you should still read it so you'll at least know what you're talking about and what you're choosing not to believe"
also if that was the case i would have to read through every holy book in order to justify not believing in them but that's stupid and not how it works. why should i have to justify my beliefs when you don't? but that's on a whole other level i'm not even gonna go there
but that's dumb but i wanna do it just to be able to know what i'm talking about.

anyways, you are 100% correct, by damning us for our "sin" of being gay, they must damn themselves as well for not following rules given in the same set.