forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Deleted user

Yooo I’m Orion, I’m trans, I use he/him and I’m the gayest idiot you’ll ever meet.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Oh right, right. I should've introduced myself more. As you saw from the Introduce Yourself chat, I'm Minx. I'm generally chill with all pronouns, but I prefer xe/xir. And I spend all of my free (and not-so-free) time panicking over video-games and other pointless things.


Yo, I'm Cloudy! Panromantic ace, and my pronouns are she/her. I can and will go on for hours on end about my current fixations(Zelda–specifically the Linked Universe au–and Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware). Most of what I write is fanfiction, I like to RP, and that's about all the interesting things I can think of about myself right now. Nice to meet you!

Deleted user

Hello. I'm bisexual(I think, it's a bit confusing), I suck at introductions, and my pronouns are she/her. You can call me anything, I couldn't care less. Welcome.


Also is that an Unus Annus reference I spot in you username Max

:0 yes….yes it is
I am still in mourning :’)

Woah, a quoting function, fancy! Also me too D: I was there for majority of the final livestream


Also is that an Unus Annus reference I spot in you username Max

:0 yes….yes it is
I am still in mourning :’)

Woah, a quoting function, fancy! Also me too D: I was there for majority of the final livestream

My brother's pretty upset by it too. I wasn't really into it, so I can't say I relate, but It's…not fun to watch someone go through that.


Also is that an Unus Annus reference I spot in you username Max

:0 yes….yes it is
I am still in mourning :’)

Woah, a quoting function, fancy! Also me too D: I was there for majority of the final livestream

I watched it to the end but I had to leave for like two hours in the middle because of band :/