forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Ex christain here
I spent like two debate classes talking about different religions from different view pointd


I've done that before, I had to read some of the Quran, which was interesting, because it has Jesus in it, but he's just a prophet, not the son of God, and yes, it mentions severly punishing those who don't believe in the Quran, but the Bible also talks about such things. The Islamic religion doesn't centre around violence. They are actually quite peaceful. There are radicalists, people who take it to the extreme, and those are the people who kill and such, and that's why people who follow the Islamic religion get a bad rep.
But there are radicalists for any religion, Christianity included. Those radicalist preach that no one deserves mercy and they all deserve to burn in hell. Some examples are Westboro baptist church (CrINgE) And Pastor Johnathan Edwards, which was forever ago, but he did 'Sinners in the hands of an angry god." Which pretty much taught that god hates everyone and he only saves a select few.
What I was trying to say, is it's interesting that Jesus s portrayed as a Prophet, and not all God, all human, because, if you norice, it does indeed nod to the presence of Jesus in history, but doesn't mention the god prt, much like the Jewish people. They agree that Jesus was a prophet and that he was real, but they also believe that he was't the son of god. I just think that's interesting~

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I have some things to add but I'll probably wait for the group chat to say them, I don't want anyone to feel attacked or put down. Still, I have strong opinions that might come across that way.


Mine is a very very long and complicated one~
It's sappy and gross and ew, but I can tell it if you really want me too, I just don't want to seem all attention grabby.
But it is interesting, because I am, after all, a gay pastor's kid.
And the road to realizing I was gay is also a fun story~


Hey, could you include me too, please?

Yes ma'am, we're just waiting foR lEo tO gET aN @
unless somebody knows how to include them without an a @

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If u think about it, God was created and everything else he made is an opinion….. think about it. Then people just thought "hey thats a great opinion." and started following hum. People love god opinions.

@larcenistarsonist group

And seriously, I'm an ex-mormon (I was never baptized into the church, but my mom and her entire side of the family are mormon and i just stopped going after i turned seven) and WHOOOO BOY DO I HAVE A LOT TO SAY