forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I know it's a choice but God's word is clear and they're all going to hell uwu"
"If you come out you're just trying to spite me"
"They just need to find the right personality in the right gender"
"God is omnibenevolent, but not when it comes to people like that"
"I've helped so many gay men come to the light of god and meet wives!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I had some kid tell me "There's a special place in hell for people like you" y'know talking about my pansexualness and I just said "Yeah it's called a throne." And like I just heard the John Cena theme playing in the back of my head.

I'm stealing this, thank you very much


Bros, on the positive side of that, one of my straight Christian friends (I never thought she was homophobic she’s just never talked about LGBTQ+ stuff like ever) started talking about how much she hates homophobic Christians and I opened up about how two of our church leaders had tried to “turn me straight” and she got like p i s s e d and idk that just made me happy that people actually care about us when stuff like that happens.

@larcenistarsonist group

One of my best friends haha why did i push him awayyyy is straight and stuff, but when I came out to him and told him about my homophobic experiences and he said and I quote: "WHAT IN THE SWEET MONTH OF FLYING MONKEY SHT IS SO BAD ABOUT BEING PANSEXUAL. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! HOMOPHOBIA IS NOT A PHOBIA ITS YOU HAVE A CLOSED MIND AND NOT WANTING TO FLIPPING ACCEPT HOW OTHERS FEEL!! THATS WHAT GODDAMN 5 YEAR OLDS DO!!!PEOPLE NEED TO GROW. TF. UP" and then "It is one of they only times you will see me get freaking mad. If anyone doesn't accept you, idc who whey are I WILL BEAT THE EVERLOVING SHT OUT OF THEM." I love him so much (but platonically y'know) and I seriously regret pushing him away, but I'm stubborn and I refuse to apologize.

@saor_illust school

Ngl, it sucks when you wanna talk to people, YET the ones you wanna talk to are SLEEEPPIINNNGGGG ahaghag .

hey mood ;-;
or oR
you desperately crave hugs and/or cuddles from a certain someone but they live halfway across the countryyyyyy TAT

also istg i'm not trying to ignore everyone else i just
don't really have much mental capacity to engage in conversation today ig

Deleted user

Ngl, it sucks when you wanna talk to people, YET the ones you wanna talk to are SLEEEPPIINNNGGGG ahaghag .

hey mood ;-;
or oR
you desperately crave hugs and/or cuddles from a certain someone but they live halfway across the countryyyyyy TAT

also istg i'm not trying to ignore everyone else i just
don't really have much mental capacity to engage in conversation today ig

I feel that

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"God is omnibenevolent, but not when it comes to people like that"

Omg then he's not oMniBeNeVoLeNTTTT

he's a narcissistic prick who obviously has to enjoy human suffering in some way shape or form, if he is to be believed to be omnipotent as is claimed


He's like, "OoOoO, Let's create humans, knowing they'll sin, and I'll have to damn them to hell! Woop Woop Hey look, a healthy person, cancer for you! Oh, wait, your not worshipping me? HELL FOR YOU. Tee hee, I love y'all, just know that, despite, ya know, the world dying~"


Christianity is whack. I know I used to be all for the more progressive forms of Christianity, but recently I've found I'm deconverting. I just gotta leave Christianity behind, and I'm sorry to my christian broskis on here who might find that as a shock considering I'd rant mini sermons about lgbtq inclusion in the church. And I'm happy I did, I believed every word of it. Christianity can be great. And I really hope it gets there. I love Christians. But, the more research I did, the more I wanted to know the more I uncovered stuff that just can't be reconciled. So I'm deconstructing, letting it all go. And that's ok. For my queer Christians on this chat, keep going (if you want), I can still always provide those links for biblical resources and stuff. I really am happy to help, and I really do understand, even if I'm not a Christian anymore.
Much love 💕

Deleted user

bro I redyed my hair last night and it was just supposed to be brown again

but it turned out this ratchet black color


Guys, we can make a chat or PM for ex-christians of we want, that's all well and cool and I'd love to here your opinions and stuff, but there are lgbt+ Christians on this chat who I'm sure we don't want to offend and don't really need to hear this lol since they're not the conservative flavor(tm)