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@Aizawa-Sensei group

Oof sorry it took so long to actually respond but here I am!
Oooh I’ve only got The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe haha. Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve got some sci-fi books too, though those are kinda mixed with other genres.
First off, Once and Future by amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy. A retelling of the King Arthur legend, but what if Arthur was a girl and it’s all in the far future where the conflict stretches across solar systems. Apparently there’s a second book, but I haven’t gotten my hands on that one, sadly.
Then The Fog Diver by Joel Ross. I actually think you’d really like this one. Basically post-apocalypse + steampunk, centering around a group of kids trying to get to paradise in the midst of hell. Great characters and world.
Tarnished are the Stars by Rosiee Thor. Cool name, btw. Basically pure sci-fi, told from the perspectives of a girl with a mechanical heart and illegal knowledge, a boy trying to prove his worth, and a girl who grew up just outside of Earth, who’s a skilled assassin and spy.
Just some of my recommendations ^^
Btw, Marissa Meyers’ stuff has interested me, but I’ve never actually read any of her stuff haha

Dang it; these sound legitimately amazing.

Deleted user

So uhm, being single and looking at my self in pj's. I LOOK THICC, and I can love myself for that today.

Deleted user

I'm finally listening to the Mechanisms and I think I'm in love. I share basically the same moral set as Jonny and I love that. I would love to be a space pirate >:3

Deleted user

Honestly, the once apon a time in space, I just vibe
It was my music while writing lore for a campaign

Deleted user

Neat! I'm a High Noon Over Camelot fan myself tbh. It takes a while to get into but it's really very good.

Deleted user

Neat! I'm a High Noon Over Camelot fan myself tbh. It takes a while to get into but it's really very good.

The last and future king was really good


Sigh I told my self I wouldn't join this, and yet here I am.
I am Relsey, A single bean. I don't need no mans, but that doesn't mean I don't want one.
Any way's, I heard classic literature,
Hold up Jane Austen books Cheesy historical romance any one?

@Milani eco

(When you start school but you can’t see your crush cuz of the pandemic and you can’t see them because you have wildly different school schedules)

thats why i am glad im in australia, i went back to school about 4 months ago ahahha

@Milani eco

Cries in American

also the place i live in australia has only had about 3 covid 19 cases

Cries in Californian

Cries in Oklahoman

confusion in aussie slang