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Yeah, the writer Jonny (he named his character after himself) was in a band called the Mechanisms, I haven't gotten around to listening to them yet, but it's apparently a space pirate vibe

Deleted user

I listened to them last night and h o l y s h i t they're good. Listen to their song Skin And Bone, it's based on an old folk song I can't say the name of (for the fact that the original had the unfortunate presence of the g slur) but like all their stuff is based on folk songs and some stuff that I've sang in my old school's choir (we had a funky choir despite the fact that I couldn't sing) and it's a m a z i n g holy crap.

@Aizawa-Sensei group

So, uh, hey everyone. I'm Raine (silent e btw; Rain, not Rainy). 18-years-old, and I've never been in a relationship. I'm not positive, but from what I've read it may be possible that I'm what would be considered demisexual, although I am exclusively attracted to people of the opposite of my birth gender. But to be perfectly honest, I haven't been attracted to many people in my life. At all. (Seriously; almost none). It's kind of hard to explain…
I'm technically a cis female, but um, I don't relate to females… at all… Like, legitimately, I'm quite uncomfortable with my gender and relate to males 1000000x easier. I blame society for this. But I don't personally believe that, for myself, I shouldn't try to change it, even if on the inside I most definitely do not feel female.
I've been single all my life, mostly because I'm asocial and have only had a few opportunities to be in a relationship (none of which I have taken). I wouldn't say that I'm lonely but I'm definitely longing for some companionship. Specifically, someone to be my best friend, whom I can also shower with eternal love and protecc. Plus geek out with them, because I'm the biggest geek. I like a lot of TV shows/movies/franchises, from Marvel to Doctor Who to The Hunger Games to the Matrix. My favorite, by far, is BBC Sherlock. I also obsess over my own story ideas and want to be a writer.
I do know that God is real (not tryna offend anyone; just including this important fact in my bio) and that He's literally amazing.

I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but I do listen to music 24/7. Music is life.
I also really like reading and crap like that.
So uh, yeah.
Hello everyone.

@Aizawa-Sensei group

Hey Raine! I feel you, I’ve only had like…… 1 crush. And yes, music is life. I would to know what kind of music you listen to ^^

glances hesitantly at my top 50 favorite artists
Let's see… I really like a variety of music, ranging from EDM and techno to certain styles of hip-hop/rap and rock music. There's a lot of music I listen to that I don't think fits a specific genre. I like a big variety of instruments and catchy tunes. Plus, each artist sorta has their own unique flavor, so I guess the easiest way to answer your question is by telling you my least favorite genres, which would consist of country music and like death metal (though I do like hard rock style music; I prefer to understand the lyrics instead of screaming, but that's just me). I love a few random old songs like Stayin Alive by the BeeGees and Blue by Eiffel 65. I don't listen to any kind of explicit music though.
What about you? What music do you like?

I've only had one actual crush too, and it was after I had known him for a good bit, but it was a big mistake on my part. It's been well over a year since I stopped liking him, and I've unfortunately not found anyone else to love yet. I will eventually I suppose.


Ohhh yay another INFJ! Yeah, ever since I first tested I’ve gotten obsessed with MBTI
Right now I’ve been listening to a lot of j-pop, Christian folk, alternative rock and indie, I’ve got a lot of music from games, movies, and musicals, and Lofi.
Though I don’t listen to it as often, I think hip hop/rap has grown on me (probably ever since I’ve listened to Hamilton and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse)

@Aizawa-Sensei group

Ohhh yay another INFJ! Yeah, ever since I first tested I’ve gotten obsessed with MBTI
Right now I’ve been listening to a lot of j-pop, Christian folk, alternative rock and indie, I’ve got a lot of music from games, movies, and musicals, and Lofi.
Though I don’t listen to it as often, I think hip hop/rap has grown on me (probably ever since I’ve listened to Hamilton and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse)

I don't know many other INFJs so that's definitely awesome. And, yes, me too. I literally have read every article I've ever found, learned every detail about the cognitive functions, and am constantly trying to "type" my friends and fictional characters. I… might have a small problem. Ahem.

Ohoho, nice! Most of the artists I listen to are Christian artists. I literally have about twenty or thirty top favorite artists, though, so… uh… I'm a music junkie. If music were a drug, I would've ODed a long time ago.

What about books? What books do ya like?


Saaammmee tho! I’m not sure where to look when it comes to cognitive functions, but typing people and characters is something that usually comes up in my daily musings, haha.
Oh, gosh. Books. Fantasy novels are my jam. I’m reading The Hobbit rn, I’ve got Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, The Unwanteds, which sadly I only have the first book, The Never Tilting World, The Cerulean, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, A Face Like Glass, and Stain
I also love historical fiction. Echo, Cloud and Wallfish, Refugee, Making Bombs For Hitler, The Badger Knight, and Full Cicada Moon.
Oh, and The Serafina Series is like, a combination of the two, so it’s very dear to my heart.
I also have some realistic fiction, like Forget Me Not, The Poet X, and The League and the Lantern (though that one has a historical twist)
Etc, etc, etc!

@Aizawa-Sensei group

Oh, man! Those all sound epic, but I haven't read most of them. I've read a little bit of the Hobbit, because I'm a big fan of Tolkien and the overall LotR franchise. I own the Hobbit and the Silmarillion but I haven't finished either of them. I also have the entire set of C.S. Lewis's Narnia series.
I think I've read Refugee but I could be mistaken; it's been awhile so I don't remember it well.
Fantasy and historical fiction are both epic, but I think my top favorite genre is science-fiction, especially if it's combined with dystopian and/or crime elements. I like superhero fantasy a lot, too.
I have Marissa Meyers' Renegrades, but I've only read the first chapter or so, and I also have Cinder by her. Just the first book in each series, though. I haven't read them much, but I need to.
I have the entire Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, which I am a huge fan of. I even have The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, which was epic— except that the end was "a little slapdash" in my opinion. Overall, I adore the Hunger Games franchise, despite the flaws.
I also have The Facade and The Portent by Michael S. Heiser. Haven't finished them, but I like 'em. Supernatural/sci-fi with a Christian worldview. An interesting read.
I own the entire Maze Runner series by James Dashner, as well as the two prequels. I loved the setting of his world, and the ideas he had, but I think he does a crappy job with characterization. Newt was my favorite. The movies were horrible though, and I literally hate them.
I'm currently reading the Legend series by Marie Lu. I've finished the first book and am now nearing the end of the second one; so far I think Lu has done a fantastic job on the worldbuilding, the plot, and the characterization, so I'm not disappointed.
And, although it's not science fiction, I must mention— I have all of the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes stories. I love Sherlock. A lot.
I also have a few random books, like an Ant-Man novel, some BBC Sherlock graphic novels, a Doctor Who graphic novel (11th doctor; Matt Smith).


Oof sorry it took so long to actually respond but here I am!
Oooh I’ve only got The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe haha. Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve got some sci-fi books too, though those are kinda mixed with other genres.
First off, Once and Future by amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy. A retelling of the King Arthur legend, but what if Arthur was a girl and it’s all in the far future where the conflict stretches across solar systems. Apparently there’s a second book, but I haven’t gotten my hands on that one, sadly.
Then The Fog Diver by Joel Ross. I actually think you’d really like this one. Basically post-apocalypse + steampunk, centering around a group of kids trying to get to paradise in the midst of hell. Great characters and world.
Tarnished are the Stars by Rosiee Thor. Cool name, btw. Basically pure sci-fi, told from the perspectives of a girl with a mechanical heart and illegal knowledge, a boy trying to prove his worth, and a girl who grew up just outside of Earth, who’s a skilled assassin and spy.
Just some of my recommendations ^^
Btw, Marissa Meyers’ stuff has interested me, but I’ve never actually read any of her stuff haha

Deleted user

Also, I just finished season 1 of TMA and omggggggg

Tehehe, we're slowley curropting people


hoi, I'm Owen, most of you know me.
I like screenwriting even though I barely do it, cats (the animal not the movie), and foreign language.
I'm currently trying to learn Irish.
I'm Christian, not really partial to any denomination and I can vibe with most. I prefer some Jewish tradition sprinkled in with my churches though. So I love Jesus and all that jazz.
I'm demisexual and demiromantic, also probably non binary but who knows I'm kinda just testing it out since I don't "feel like" a man or woman.


Learn the formatting. At first it may seem stupid and strict, but it's ridiculously important and useful. Look up what to capitalize and why. Look up how to introduce new sounds and people. The screenwriting world is slang ridden, so that'll be useful to pick up. This website is hard to look at, but it's pretty useful.

Everything is in present tense, as if you're watching it unfold right now. This, in my opinion, makes writing easier since you can divy our most things to your audience in real time while still keeping a main character's prospective. You may need a grammar refresher, though, or reading through your script may sound funny.

The lines between show and tell will blur. As writers, we strive to show and not tell. That makes for a boring story. We want to show our audience what our characters are feeling, what's going on in their lives, not just say "he was sad". However, when you're screenwriting, you have two audiences- the production crew, and the theater goers. When a visual aspect is added to the world of story, you have to tell what you're showing you aren't telling. It's a balancing act- on one hand you want the script read through to be as entertaining as possible, and on the other you don't want to spoil everything in the first 20 pages.

Write spec, not commission. Your first drafts should be "speculative" screenplays. These are screenplays without (at least most of the) camera angles and technical stuff- lighting, sound effects, etc. Start out bare boned- all you really need is…

Action + dialogue ÷ sluglines
Action, being what's happening on screen. Dialogue, being not only what the characters say but in the manner they say it. Sluglines being the scene headers- you don't need to work out cut tos or transitions yet, just focus on separating your story into scenes.

I can't stress that enough. Look at how other people write. Pick up their movement. You can even find some screenplays of your favorite TV shows or movies I'm sure. That'll also give you insight to how things in the script change in production (and think about why).

Besides that, I'm sure you can keep in mind cinematic story arc and drama, story beats for movies and TV, all that jazz. Once you're comfortable with your first drafts, you can add fancy camera stuff and effects.

Deleted user

I've been listening to every podcast I can get my dirty little hands on. I have been listening to podcasts nonstop. I'm selling my soul to podcasts.