forum Thank you for the help!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

I am a straight male and would not date her… is something wrong with me


I am a straight male and would not date her… is something wrong with me

nah, that's fine
she's prob just not your type

Deleted user

Night, @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime! Sleep well!

Deleted user

I have to go, guys…Ty I'm praying for your brother. Don't die tonight. I'm sending hugs, love, and sunshine vibes from Canada. Night, y'all!

Deleted user

Existing. It's really boring. And talking to you guys. That's the most interesting part of my night.

How was vacation?The rest of it at least

Deleted user

I have to go, guys…Ty I'm praying for your brother. Don't die tonight. I'm sending hugs, love, and sunshine vibes from Canada. Night, y'all!

Thanks night


It was pretty nice! I just wish either A. You guys could have been there. Or B. The place had better WiFi/signal so I could've at least talked to y'all!


Ty I swear to god if you keep blaming yourself I am going to throw you in the most precious prison you've ever seen. It will be fluffy and made of rainbows and happiness so you will have no choice but to stop this blaming yourself nonsense.


Ty I swear to god if you keep blaming yourself I am going to throw you in the most precious prison you've ever seen. It will be fluffy and made of rainbows and happiness so you will have no choice but to stop this blaming yourself nonsense.

what they said

Deleted user

Think about it, this is rational. If I wouldn't have been there it wouldn't have happened. It's just the truth and I should blame myself. I'm not trying to be overdramatic sorry.

Deleted user

kay I actually gotta go to bed
be nice to yourself pls Ty
I love you
good night everyone!
