forum Thank you for the help!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

My mom won't answer her phone… That doesn't help me, not att all

Deleted user

My stepdad just called and said they are spending the night and that's all the news I got… fucking helpful

Deleted user

Ello buddy… Deep breathes don't help when you're crying do they mate?

Deleted user

Okay Does Rhett have stuffed animals? One that he prefers?

Deleted user

Go get it and hold it, smell it, whatever works, It's okay to cry, it's okay to be mad. We love that kid or at least those of us who have talked to him do.


Please don't die overnight tyty
we love you and everything is gonna be okay
and def listen to Chuck (lostboy2)

Deleted user

I can't unsee it. Why did they make me stay home

Deleted user

Please don't die overnight tyty
we love you and everything is gonna be okay
and def listen to Chuck (lostboy2)


Deleted user

It was my fault. I'm what triggered his episode

Deleted user

It was stupid, I should know better by now… I was playing Call Of Duty and I got angry and I yelled. God I shouldn't have yelled, he has sensory issues adn it set him off