forum Thank you for the help!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

I have a brother named Everett and he is 9. He also has autism and during an episode, he hurt himself really badly. My parents freaked and took him to the hospital so I'm am home alone and I am freaking out… There was blood and yeah

Deleted user

I don't have anxiety but I can't stop shaking and I feel unsafe and jittery

Deleted user

He''s my best friend and I really just want to know he's okay


Wait, what's that one grounding exercise
I can't remember it
it's like
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste

I might be wrong about which sense goes with which number
(sorry I don't have anxiety so I don't remember the exercise v well but I read it somewhere)


yes friend just breathe and do mindfulness exercises like grounding
hug a pet or stuffed animal, that helps too
snuggle someone or something

Deleted user

I have a dog but she's freaked out too and won't come out from under my bed