forum Telling puns game
Started by @Death_man_

people_alt 50 followers

@saor_illust school

(lol it's fine. and harp? aaaaa that's really cool! my interest in harp actually started this year, (last year actually lol) and it's truly a very fine instrument! it's just sad that they really aren't loud enough when you have a full orchestra (that doesn't even have brass instruments or anything) and just one harp. hhhh last time i got a chance to play with a harp in an orchestra (which was also the only time) i was legit sitting right in front of her and still i couldn't hear her when everyone was playing aaaaaa)

of course i'm not Hadyn them, I'm offended! Dont (no apostrophe because that's actually a composer's last name) Hadyn your best puns from me, either. Besides that, remember to B natural! Shall we raise the bar then?

@saor_illust school

Ah, you think you can beat me, eh? I won a musical pun battle last July. And I think I can win this one. Shall I raise the tempo? I think your jokes are just too flat for this battle. Besides, I know I'll come out on top of the pedalstal.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Ahh, I see. You think that your puns are the cymbals of greatness? Well, it's a suite thought, but you'll need to sharpen up your skills if you think that you beat me. If you been waiting to tell me your best puns, you better duet now.

@saor_illust school

On the contrary, to rephrase what a friend said in more eloquent, and musically pun-ed, "Izzy's puns have been augmented while Nie's has been diminished." Besides that, you accent your words too much, I'm afraid you'll fall a whole step lower.

@saor_illust school

(Gah why do know so much musical terminology?)
However, the instrumentation of the musical pun piece we are writing puts me with the melody, confirming that I will always come out on top of the pedalstal!

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

(I've got more terminology than I know what to do with. I guess music theory paid off.)

How about you pitch yourself a tent outside? For there is no room in this pun theatre for two. You see, my puns have the listeners hooked from the start, but yours on the other hand. There are too many repeats in one phrase. Be sure to have time before each repeat or you will be too busy starting over to reach the bar that you set so high for yourself.

@saor_illust school

(Oh okay! And no problem, anytime! I'm glad you're feeling better, although I think you won lol, since I never responded since I wasn't on Notebook lol)

Deleted user

(This is the best thing I’m going to read today, might as well just get off the internet XD)