forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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Deleted user

Lil bro is literally the cutest kid on the planet and I love him.

Deleted user

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

Deleted user

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

you're such a good sibling??? My sisters would b like "here's my sister's ugly ass, she's been lookin like shit since the womb

my siblings are also nowhere near me in age so……that may be a factor to my undying affection

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

you're such a good sibling??? My sisters would b like "here's my sister's ugly ass, she's been lookin like shit since the womb

my siblings are also nowhere near me in age so……that may be a factor to my undying affection

My sibs are 5 and 7 years older than me, so we're not close either. They just are assholes-

Deleted user

I have only dogs, they're my "brothers" yes, my family are those people

Deleted user

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

you're such a good sibling??? My sisters would b like "here's my sister's ugly ass, she's been lookin like shit since the womb

my siblings are also nowhere near me in age so……that may be a factor to my undying affection

My sibs are 5 and 7 years older than me, so we're not close either. They just are assholes-

My brother is 12 years younger than me and my sisters are both 21 years younger than me. Shrug

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My siblings are 6 and 10 and let me tell you, it is chaotic
Wait I forgot my favorite sibling
Cooper, my doggo
He's a very good boi but sometime he eats everything
We've lost probably $10 worth of butter and 30+ pencils to his gaping maw but I still love him

Deleted user

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

ig that runs in the family

excuse this is not time for flattery!! :P

@Pickles group

Yo I want to see yours.

My siblings are too cute for this world.

ig that runs in the family

excuse this is not time for flattery!! :P

I see an opportunity, I take it. I speak truth

@Toaster group

So, I figured it would be cool if we could all meet. I started up a chat on Zoom, if you're interested. I don't know if it'll work though. This is my first time using it.
ID: 343 230 4874
PW: 3icS1G

@The-Magician group

I am so sorry that I am not talking that much, I find it really nerve wracking to talk to someone that I haven't met before. Also, your smile is really cute :)