forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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Deleted user

xander ialov you and tou are very pretty and we are bothv ery gay and you're so swet and I lov eouy

@The-Magician group

I literally …
This is Lee, right? Because if this is Lee then I have so much proof

Yeah babe it’s me, and unless you have saved any of those videos I sent you then you have no proof

@Moxie group

I literally …
This is Lee, right? Because if this is Lee then I have so much proof

Yeah babe it’s me, and unless you have saved any of those videos I sent you then you have no proof

Well now I did so don't even try anything

@HighPockets group

I can sing, I just shouldn't for the sake of everyone around me.

Sing and don’t let anyone stop you.

I'm saving their ears. Maybe if I feel up to it, I'll sing on Zoom or something.