forum Tell us something stupid you did once
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wait…. something i've only done once?
well, that shortens the list up a lot

ummm, well, this one time I was making mashed potatoes, the instant ones from a box, and I put in tablespoons of salt instead of teaspoons it was awful! thankfully i was able to just make a new batch but we had to postpone dinner.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

wait…. something i've only done once?
well, that shortens the list up a lot

ummm, well, this one time I was making mashed potatoes, the instant ones from a box, and I put in tablespoons of salt instead of teaspoons it was awful! thankfully i was able to just make a new batch but we had to postpone dinner.

I did way worse. I made baking powder biscuits. But I put baking soda instead of baking powder.

Deleted user

One time I had a bowl of applesauce and I put some cinnamon in but it turned out the spice was paprika

Deleted user

wait…. something i've only done once?
well, that shortens the list up a lot

ummm, well, this one time I was making mashed potatoes, the instant ones from a box, and I put in tablespoons of salt instead of teaspoons it was awful! thankfully i was able to just make a new batch but we had to postpone dinner.

I did way worse. I made baking powder biscuits. But I put baking soda instead of baking powder.

Here's stupid for you. I was making lemonade and I had to put water in the jug so I filled up a cup (I was eyeballing it (filled it up the whole way)) and it was only after I poured in the WHOLE cup of water, I realised I had poured it in the sugar.

@Starfast group

One time at my old job I was on the phone with a client. Had to put them on hold for a bit so I did that and put the receiver back on the hook, thinking that y'know they were on hold. Turns out they were not and I just hung up on them. Luckily we had their name and their number was in our system so we were able to call them back, but this still haunts me and I think about it every time I talk to clients on the phone.

One time I had a bowl of applesauce and I put some cinnamon in but it turned out the spice was paprika

I keep reading applesauce as "applause" and also this reminds me of the times I tasted vanilla extract and cocoa powder thinking that they would taste as good as they smell. They do not.


ok so there was this one time, I was in a house of mirrors kinda thing
and it was pretty dark, there were flashing colored lights tho
and I, for some reason, didn't see my reflection for a minute while I was runnin' around
I ran face first into one of the mirror walls, and only then did I notice my reflection

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One time at my old job I was on the phone with a client. Had to put them on hold for a bit so I did that and put the receiver back on the hook, thinking that y'know they were on hold. Turns out they were not and I just hung up on them. Luckily we had their name and their number was in our system so we were able to call them back, but this still haunts me and I think about it every time I talk to clients on the phone.

One time I had a bowl of applesauce and I put some cinnamon in but it turned out the spice was paprika

I keep reading applesauce as "applause" and also this reminds me of the times I tasted vanilla extract and cocoa powder thinking that they would taste as good as they smell. They do not.

And almond extract. It's so sad.

Deleted user

I ran naked out of a bathroom of my cousins house because I forgot my change of clothes and there were no towels left in the cabinet.
All my cousins saw me, but luckily I was only 8 years old.

Deleted user

I got too friendly with a German Shepard once and I got attacked. (Luckily my friend was able to stop the dog before it bit me too much). It was a big dog, and I've been trying to get over my slight phobia of big animals now.

Deleted user

One of my friend's 10 year old sister does this all the time

Yeah, but I don't see my cousins much and all 13 of them saw me and laughed while pointing at me😂 😂

Deleted user

Was bouncing around on my heels while shouting fuck you and flipping off the clouds while eating gummy bears because I was trying to look at the moon with mah telescope and the clouds were being dicks

Deleted user

Was bouncing around on my heels while shouting fuck you and flipping off the clouds while eating gummy bears because I was trying to look at the moon with mah telescope and the clouds were being dicks

Me when I am on a sugar high. XD

Deleted user

Was bouncing around on my heels while shouting fuck you and flipping off the clouds while eating gummy bears because I was trying to look at the moon with mah telescope and the clouds were being dicks

Aren’t you a man??