forum Tell us something stupid you did once
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I went to the bathroom and had some spare tissues in my pocket (not used) so I decided to chuck them in the toilet because I didn't need them and when I did chuck them in, I heard a click. I threw a dollar in the toilet along with my unused tissues. :(

Deleted user

Okay, so every time there's a Stan Lee cameo in a Marvel film, I always jump out of my seat and shout "sTaN lEe!!!!!1!" at the top of my lungs…. nearly got kicked out of the theater for that once. Rest in peace, Stan.


Okay, so every time there's a Stan Lee cameo in a Marvel film, I always jump out of my seat and shout "sTaN lEe!!!!!1!" at the top of my lungs…. nearly got kicked out of the theater for that once. Rest in peace, Stan.

I once did a running commentary of a nature documentary
In the movie theatre
It was the first time I watched it and I was five at the time and a huge nerd


Almost called someone named Annika "Anakin"

Why is this me?

You did that too?

No but I keep accidentally calling this kid named 'Leyla' 'Leia'.
