forum Talk about yourself!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hi Fox! I don't think we've met, but you sound cool!

Yeah, I just joined/started using the site more often just last night! hoping to meet new friends and people to help with writing and stuff in general.

Well hello then! I'm always glad to meet a new friend!

Same! You sound cool as well!



What is the big deal about Starbucks and Uggs? And Fortnite?

All basic things to avoid.

If you like that stuff then go for it, but don't just do that stuff because everyone else is.

Deleted user

…. Yeah
I don't voluntarily go to starbucks, but if I do I get tea or something because coffee can go to hell.


I would go to Starbucks all the time if I could drive because while I don't like coffee, I like some teas and even crowded coffee shops are really great for just chilling with a sketchbook and drawing the people around you


tbh I love starbucks but you do you

Hey. That's fine. As long as you're not doing it because it's 'cool' y'know. I like Starbucks every once in a while.

no I genuinely love starbucks


tbh I love starbucks but you do you

Hey. That's fine. As long as you're not doing it because it's 'cool' y'know. I like Starbucks every once in a while.

no I genuinely love starbucks



Hi Fox! I don't think we've met, but you sound cool!

Yeah, I just joined/started using the site more often just last night! hoping to meet new friends and people to help with writing and stuff in general.

Well hello then! I'm always glad to meet a new friend!

Same! You sound cool as well!


You're welcome!

Deleted user

Pictures taken before and after he was called cute.

Enjoy my peoples.


Interesting! A real-life witch? Maybe you can point out something to us and maybe give us pointers for which characters!

Of course! I know a lot about the histories behind different witchcrafts and legends so I can help in that aspect, and if your character is doing a spell or something I'd be happy to break down how that happens, or really anything you'd like to know!