forum Talk about yourself!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I dunno why you think you're basic. But you aren't. Trust me. I'm surrounded by B A S I C on a daily basis. It plagues my town.

skepticism increases
Fine, I guess…

Lee. Don't fight me on this. At night I'm plagued by nightmares of Ugg boots and Starbucks logos and little borking doggos.

….. shit that's a good point but that doesn't make me any less boring

You're very not-boring. You have good taste in music and gardening.

Red, you're possibly one of the least boring people I know, don't even try

Ella, you're way better and more interesting than me so why…

Deleted user

Like…. Seriously???
I may not do that much stuff, but people appreciate the little that I do with Fried Potato.


I dunno why you think you're basic. But you aren't. Trust me. I'm surrounded by B A S I C on a daily basis. It plagues my town.

skepticism increases
Fine, I guess…

Lee. Don't fight me on this. At night I'm plagued by nightmares of Ugg boots and Starbucks logos and little borking doggos.

shudders Uggs.


I dunno why you think you're basic. But you aren't. Trust me. I'm surrounded by B A S I C on a daily basis. It plagues my town.

skepticism increases
Fine, I guess…

Lee. Don't fight me on this. At night I'm plagued by nightmares of Ugg boots and Starbucks logos and little borking doggos.

shudders Uggs.

That's my life Beanz. They're everywhere. Zombies. The uggs and Starbucks have taken over their souls.


I mean, I don't really judge people who wear them, but I do think the shoes themselves are ugly and don't know why they're fashion.


Everyone sounds amazing, even though a few of you I already knew about due to other chats!
I'm Beanz, I'm a small human with a big heart, and I adore all life-forms (especially cats though) and can find something nice to say about just about anything because I genuinely believe there's good in everything! I'm a writer who loves to create stories but loathes actually writing. I'm an extravert who mostly enjoys introverted activities, I have three cats, I'm a real life witch who comes from a line of nature-worshipping cowboys on one side and uptight Catholics on the other. I speak Spanish and English, know a bit of Latin, and I'm trying to learn several other non-dead languages because different languages, foods, and cultures in general are my favorite things to experience and learn about. I'll listen to any kind of music, I love all artforms, and the only things I can't stand are intolerance and antagonizing behavior.

Interesting! A real-life witch? Maybe you can point out something to us and maybe give us pointers for which characters!


Hi Fox! I don't think we've met, but you sound cool!

Yeah, I just joined/started using the site more often just last night! hoping to meet new friends and people to help with writing and stuff in general.

Well hello then! I'm always glad to meet a new friend!

Same! You sound cool as well!